Fireworks (4th of July) Klaine

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Third Person Pov

"Come on Kurt hurry up! I don't want to miss the fireworks!" Blaine yelled. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" Kurt yelled back to his boyfriend. Kurt put the finishing touches on his hair before hurrying out to meet Blaine. Blaine opened the door for Kurt like the gentleman he was before hopping in the car himself. "We have everything?" Blaine asked as he looked as Kurt. Kurt nodded. When they arrived at their location it was still light outside and Kurt looked at Blaine and gave him his best death stare. Blaine gulped. "We had plenty of time to get here. It's still light outside," Kurt complained as he crossed his arms.

"I love you?" Blaine said as more of a question than a statement. "That's not going to work on me, Mr. Anderson," Kurt said, clearly unimpressed. Blaine knew only one thing would work. Blaine grabbed Kurt forcefully and pressed his lips against his boyfriend's. Kurt gasped surprised but soon he melted into the kiss. The kiss started out gentle and sweet but it soon became desperate and heated. The two lovers exploded into each other's mouth. They soon pulled away because one they were in public and they needed to breath.

Kurt breathed out, "You've been forgiven." Blaine smiled. "I'm glad to hear that Mr. Hummel," Blaine said cheekily. "Well, let's set everything up," Kurt said. They laid out the holdable chairs that they had brought and some snacks. The two lovers took turns feeding each other as they giggled. "You totally missed my mouth," Kurt giggled. "Do you need glasses?" He asked as he continued to giggle. Blaine rolled his eyes, "No." Kurt looked at his boyfriend and smirked. "Too bad, I bet you would look adorable/totally hot in glasses." Blaine blushed then whined, "Kurtttttt."

After Blaine was done whining he then looked at his boyfriend. "I didn't know you had a glasses kink," Blaine said. It was now Kurt's turn to blush. His pale skin made his rosey pink cheeks stand out like a sore thumb. Kurt never wanted anyone, especially his boyfriend to find out about his secret and guilty glasses kink. Kurt turned his face away from Blaine in clear embarrassment. Kurt had this kink since he can remember. Kurt even remembered one day he was looking at pictures of Zac Efron and he had came across one of him in glasses and he remembered thinking he looked so hot.

Kurt wanted to disappear

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Kurt wanted to disappear. Why did he have to be so stupid and say that to his boyfriend? "You don't have to embarrassed baby," Blaine said sweetly to Kurt. Kurt turned his face around and dared to look Blaine in the eyes. "Let's not worry about it now. If you want we can try out your kink once we get home," Blaine said smirking at the end. He then winked at Kurt. Kurt felt his face heat up because he knew exactly what his boyfriend was talking about. Soon it great dark. "The fireworks should be starting soon!" Blaine said excitedly. Kurt smiled at his boyfriend who at times reminded him of a five year old.

All of a sudden a bright flash lit up the sky followed by a boom. The boom made Kurt jump a bit. Blaine seem completely unaffected though as he looked up at the sky in awe. Sure, he had seen fireworks before but everytime he went it was like a whole new experience. This year was special because it was the first time he was seeing fireworks with someone by his side, with his best friend, boyfriend, lover, and soulmate. Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand and looked at him and smiled. Kurt looked up the sky with Blaine and watched as colors exploded across the sky.

It truely was beautiful. Kurt's mouth dropped open in awe. How did he get so lucky? He never would have saw himself here, looking at fireworks with someone he loved, that actually loved him back. Kurt had always loved fireworks since he was a little kid, but something about this was so special. When there was a firework that Blaine especially liked he would get excited and squeeze Kurt's hand. "Ooo...look at that one," Blaine said as he used his finger to point at a particular firework. Soon the couple took turns oooing and awwing.

When the finale came Kurt pulled Blaine by his arm and pushed their lips together. Behind them fireworks were exploding. The couple could hear the booming in their ears but the only thing they could see, feel, and taste would each other. They ended their kiss to see the last couple of fireworks go off. "You take my breathe away," Kurt breathed out. Blaine truely felt blissful in that moment. There were no words to describe how much he loved his man. "Happy 4th of July, baby," Blaine said smiling. Kurt smiled back, "Happy 4th of July." Eventually Kurt and Blaine returned to the house that they shared. "Let's do some sparklers and bang snaps!" Kurt said with excitement in his voice. Kurt was still in a great mode from seeing fireworks with his lover earlier.

When they did the bang snaps Kurt had decided to go first. Kurt took one and threw it against the ground and the pop noise it made startled him. Instinctively Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand. This was the first year he had done bang snaps. "It's okay Kurt. They're nothing to be scared of them," Blaine said in a gentle voice to reassure his boyfriend. Kurt eventually calmed down. Kurt and Blaine each took turns throwing the little things, each of them delighting in the pop noise it made. After a while Kurt said, "I'm sleepy." Blaine smiled at how adorable Kurt sounded when he said that.

Blaine picked Kurt up bridal style and carried him inside. He looked down to see that Kurt had feel asleep in his arms. Blaine very gently placed Kurt onto their bed. Blaine smiled for what seemed the umpteenth time that day. He couldn't help it that his boyfriend was so adorable, especially when he was asleep. Blaine crawled into bed next to Kurt. He took Kurt and angled him, so he was laying on his chest. Blaine threw the blanket over them. Then he whispered, "Happy 4th of July. Goodnight my love. Sweet dreams." Blaine pressed a gentle kiss to his lover's forehead and then he let sleep take over.

Hey, guys. Hoped you guys enjoyed. I know it's one day after 4th of July. I was going to post this last night but I had been out doing things with my family to celebrate, so I was really tried, causing me to fall asleep before I finished writing this. So, Happy late 4th of July. Also I know I haven't been writing as much and I have a couple reasons why.

1. I just haven't felt very inspirated lately
2. I've had terrible writer's block(I guess that's the same as the first reason)
3. I've been so busy lately with family and summer homework, so sometimes I don't have time to write.

I hope you guys understand.

Fireworks (4th of July) KlaineWhere stories live. Discover now