The Beginnings of the rest of our lives ❤ With the promised Teaser! ;p

Start from the beginning

“Pass the potatoes, please?” I asked when I saw Herc hold onto the bowl after he was done dishing it out.

“After we get what we want. You always hog them, remember?” He said playfully while Raleigh nodded his head vigorously in agreement.

“It’s the best part of the dinner, you know.” I said nonchalantly and gave Rals a look that said ‘you better hand me that bowl before you steal them all.’ With a dramatic, conflicted look, he let out a long sigh, passing the bowl to me while winking playfully.

The rest of dinner was surprisingly quiet and it grated on my already shocked nerves. I couldn’t even bring myself to finish my plate, picking around the edges of my portions until both men pushed their plates away at the same time.

“I’ll get the dessert.” I said suddenly, bursting from my seat and rushing into the kitchen.

I leaned my palms on the chilly counter and took a few gulping breaths before looking to my left where a plate covered by a basket was sitting. If it could laugh at me, I’m sure it would, for what I was allowing the thing hidden underneath it to do to me. I moved from my half slouched position to place both of my palms on my stomach, feeling the bump there that I had been trying my damndest to hide from my watchful husband.

Steeling my resolve, I straightened my back, much like Marshal Pentecost would tell me to do. Just thinking about him sent a pang of pain through my heart, and thoughts of Chuck flooded the gates right behind it. Would things be any different now if either of them had made it? I looked over my shoulder at Raleigh, who had laughed heartily at a joke Herc was telling. The scene made me smile, imagining Chuck sitting beside his dad, laughing right along.

When Rals saw that I was staring at him, smiling goofily, his smile widened and he sent me a warming wink before laughing at Herc again. Rubbing my tummy a few more seconds, I grabbed the plate and walked as confidently as my shaking knees would let me.

“Would you like to unveil, honey?” I asked softly, setting it down infront of him and sitting back down in my chair.

I watched anxiously as the men finished their conversation, clapping hands on shoulders and wide smiles on their faces. Raleigh leaned over to me, placing a hand on my cheek as he placed a kiss on my forehead. When his fingers grabbed at the edge of the basket top, I thought that I was going to pass out, everything in me swayed and I wasn’t sure if it was the nerves or the-

“Absolut-” He started as lifted it up and flipped it over, revealing what was on the plate.

Sitting there was a picture but, not just any picture. Probably the most important picture of our lives. It was black and white and a little hard to make out and he sat there, staring at it for more than a few minutes before picking it up, examining it closer. Reaching his other hand up, I saw how much it was shaking as he touched the small life on the ultrasound.

“You're pregnant?” He croaked out, looking at me with watery eyes.

I let out a choking laugh and nodded, feeling my own eyes tear up as I placed my hands on my stomach and stretching out the slightly baggy shirt to show him my bump.

“My wife is having my baby!” Both Herc and I jumped at Raleigh’s shout of joy as he threw the picture in the air, letting it fall like confetti before he scooped me from the chair and into his tight embrace. Showering me with kisses, all over my face and lips, I could feel his excitement and joy coarse through him. I laughed between lip locks and looked over at Herc, who looked just as happy as we both felt.

“Congratulations, you two.” Herc said, laughing at Raleigh’s giddiness.

When the excitement died down enough to where I could move from Raleigh’s grip, I reached for the dishes but felt an arm go around my shoulder while the other pushed my lower back away from the table and into the living room.

Taking Back The World! (A Pacific Rim and Raleigh Becket Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now