Nine: Tag Along *Part 2*

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I take my hone out my pocket and click the power button, the lock screen lighting up my face in a gentle light. the photo of me, Alex and Talia at a Halloween party a few years ago stares back at me, ironically we were all dressed as Cady, Janis and Damian.

I turn the screen to show Erika, "it's almost 12." I tell her, about to turn the phone back around when Erika says, "hey, what's your lock screen?"

I shrug nonchalantly, "me and my friends at a Halloween party Junior Year of high school." I say as she takes the phone from me, looking at the picture closely. 

"Are you supposed to be characters from Mean Girls?" she asked, a playful smile slowly growing on her lips. I smile back at her and nod, "yeah, I'm Janis, and my friends Talia and Alex are Damian and Cady." I explain.

She nods, still smiling like a little kid, "can you send me that picture, I'd love to show it to Barrett and Grey...if you don't mind that is?" she asked, passing my phone back to me.

It takes me a second before I remember who Barrett and Grey are (they play Janis and Damian in the show) and I nod, "yeah sure, I don't mind." I say, trying not to sound too nervous, as it is an old picture and the three of us were working on a budget and made our costumes from scratch and threw a bunch of thrift store pieces together and it looks a little tacky. I still love the picture and all, but showing it to other people would be a little embarrassing.

Just then, Taylor comes back in the room, holding her charger in one hand and her phone in the other, she hands the charger to Erika and plonks down next to me on the couch, I take this opportunity to unlock my phone and text Ben to see why he disappeared on me.

Me: Hey doofus, where the hell did you go??

it takes a minute or so, but he texts back.

Ben: I had to get to the stage for warm-ups before rehearsals start

Me: I could've come with you, why'd you drop me off here?

Ben: I thought you'd enjoy hanging out with the girls a lot more than your oh so annoying big brother! ;P

Me: true, but the whole point of this trip is for us to hang out and "bond" as Mom puts it.

Ben: we can afford to spend an hour or so away from each other, but if you really miss me that much, feel free to come down with the girls...which reminds me, tell Tay and E to get their asses down here, rehearsals are about to start!

I roll my eyes.

Me: don't flatter yourself Benjamin! Be down in 5 x 

I lock my phone again, putting it in my pocket and stood up, "Ben text me to tell you both that rehearsals are starting." I say, turning to the girls who immediately stand.

We all head out the door and down the spiralling staircase and around all those corners and through a few doors to get to the stage. Half way there, Taylor pulls out her phone and pulls up a photo, showing it to me, "Ben sent us a bunch of your art work, it's amazing!"

I look at the screen to see my art folder and collages from over the years and a the essays that go with them. I feel my cheeks get hot and try to hide my smile, "uuh, thanks, I guess, that's really old work anyway, it's not the best. My recent work is a lot better than that."

"Like that monkey in the suit painting? Couldn't agree more, I loved that!" Erika says from the bottom of the stairs, I roll my eyes, "that one has gotten me into a lot of it's obviously my favourite!" I smirk as the girls laugh.

"With all your amazing artwork, you've shown to be very...perspicacious in your creative output." Taylor says slyly.

I furrow my brow, staring at her, a slow smirk rising to my lips, "thanks, I do believe I have a keen mental perception and understanding too."

Taylor's eyes widen and her mouth fell open, shocked into silence.

I smile at her sweetly, "you tried, but you failed!" I sing out in a ridiculously over the top way and skip down the stairs, "Louderman Lingoooo!"

Erika looked like she was trying to hold back her laughter as she followed behind me, Taylor slowly in tow, "that's a first for Louderman Lingo...." Taylor says, still looking bewildered, letting out an airy laugh, me and Erika joining in the giggling soon after.

I turn back to her and flash her a cheesy grin, "I have the same book you get your words from, I got it for an English assignment a year ago and used it ever since." I explain, holding the door for them before walking behind them the rest of the way.

As Erika and Taylor head to the stage, I head to the seating area near the front of the stage and slump into one of the red cushioned seats, watching as the band shuffles into the orchestra pit and settles in their own chairs, tweaking their instruments, plucking guitars, tapping piano keys and blowing into trumpets to make sure they sound clean and precise.

My phone beeps and it's a text from Alex-

Alex: Hey sista' from another mista'! How's your first week in New York going?

I huff, blowing at a piece of hair, where should I start? I think to myself as I type back a supply.

Me: It's been...interesting?

Alex: ...What's that supposed to mean? Interesting as in, you've seen a pigeon drag a whole slice of pizza? Or interesting as in you've been to an orgy and found my future husband?

I can't help but snort a laugh at that, which would've been fine if I hadn't paused to take a sip of my coffee, causing it to shoot out my nose and mouth simultaneously and cause me to choke a little.

Me: Thanks for that image! I just choked on my coffee!!

Alex: You're welcome honey ;) x

I roll my eyes, wiping the coffee off my mouth and top before blowing my nose and typing back a reply.

Me: You're gross. And no, not Orgy interesting, but I did see a pigeon sit in a taco whilst eating it!

Alex: Taking breakfast in bed to a whole other level! Now back to my husband you met at that Orgy...

Me: WHY MUST YOU BE SO GROSS?? Anyway, what happened to your plan of hooking up with my brother?

Alex: I'm keeping my options open boo! Just in case our dear Benjamin decides to break my dear little heart 

I chuckle silently at that one.

Me: It never takes much to break your heart Alex  😂 

Alex: RUDE! I have the thickest skin their ever was!

Me: Alexander Nathaniel Stevenson you HAVE to be kidding me! We went to see Toy Story 3 and you cried like a little baby!

Alex: Olivia Eleanor Cook that movie is the only exception! They accepted their fate in that incinerator and looked death DEAD IN THE FACE!!

Me: You are such a drama queen 😂

Alex: Sorry that I have a SOUL!

I smile and let out a small laugh as I hear the music begin to play. I look up, seeing them begin warm-ups and their rehearsal.

Me: Gotta go babes, starting rehearsals, don't wanna get yelled at x :)

Alex: Okay VeeVee! Talk soon! xxxx

I lock my phone and put it in my pocket, deciding to watch them all warm up for the rest of the afternoon.

Who Would I Be Without You? //Ben Cook fanfic// *FINISHED*Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu