From The Moment I met You Everything changed. (sequel to the new boy)

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From The Moment I met you, everything changed. Part 1 (sequel to the New Boy)

Part #1

Liam's POV

Abby just admitted to liking me. Oh my god, I felt my hands start to tremble. I told her that I felt the same, and honestly I didn't know what to do next. But she clearly did, with a mischievous smile on her face. Kiss me Liam! She smiled, I couldn't resist. I leaned in and our lips pressed together. I was getting a tingling sensation, was this the classified 'sparks' everyone said they got when they found 'the one?' Stop thinking so much Liam, you're getting way ahead of yourself. I soon began dancing my tongue across her lip, begging for entrance. She teased, but finally let me in. It soon turned into a passionate make out session and I could see this night was only heading for better. I pulled away from the kiss. I'm going to go tell the boys I'm going to bed. Alright! She whispered. I ran down the stairs, and I could seem to get the giant grin off of my face.

Abby's POV

Liam and I just had the most incredible experience. Well it was incredible for me, at least. I felt like we really clicked when we kissed. Like our lips were meant to be together, fitting perfectly. Liam had gone downstairs to say goodnight to the boys, and I was kind of sad he left. I know that sounds insane, but I needed him right now. Liam was all I wanted and needed. When we kissed, I couldn't help but feel like I wanted something more..I wanted Liam..I wanted, sex. I knew that was crazy.Liam probably would be creeped out..I was just another girl.

Liam's POV

I was on my way up to the stairs. God I just needed her. No Liam, stop acting like a horny teenage boy. Besides, it was just making out, not that big of a deal...who was I kidding, it was a HUGE deal. I really felt something, she probably did too...the bulge in my pants.Hahaha. I chuckled. Whatever, be a man Liam and make her yours. Abby! I yelled when I approached her room. Yes Liam? She smiled sweetly. I didn't know what to say I just kissed her on the lips. Wait Li, Abby said. What was she doing? Before I realized she was ripping off my shirt. What was happening? I surely must be dreaming. You're not, Abby giggled. Shit. I said that out loud?

Before I realized what I was doing, I was taking off her shirt and unclasping her bra. She started to unbutton my pants and now you could see my fully erect boner. Her eyes widened. I just laughed. I pulled off her pants, and lastly her underwear. I just looked her up and down. Wow, she was perfect. While I was taking it all in I felt her lips pressed against my cock, her head bobbing. I groaned, this was amazing. Fuck. I let out a few more moans. I was close, Abby could sense this, and she stopped. Fucking tease, I laughed. I flipped her over, now she was under me. I looked at her, she was so wet. Liam! Get in me already, she whimpered. Without hesitation I crashed into her, fast and hard. I could tell she was enjoying it. Say my name, I yelled. LI-AMM! She screeched. Louder, I growled. Why was I so aggressive? I don't know..but she seemed to like rough Liam. I could feel myself ready to blow, and she let out a moan, Liam I'm gonna, I'm gonna cum! And with that we both crashed and waited for our highs to come down. Did this really just happen? I was in heaven.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2012 ⏰

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