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Name: First name is fine, add a middle or last if you like, maybe even a nickname!

Age: If you're intending on including smut please have characters 16 or older, I have a variety of characters in many ages, so don't be scared to have a variety as well!

Gender: Male/Female/Custom (if "Custom" please explain).

Race: This is usually "Human" but you could also have "Half-orc" or "Vampire" go ahead and mix it up! Just understand if the setting of the world we're role playing in is humans only, then your character must also be human. (Except for some rare circumstances).

Looks: You can link a photo from a website or tag me in one of your own role play character books! If not please describe your character as much as possible with as much detail as you can, and I mean AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. If you don't have a photo you need to put a lot of detail into your description of the character, this is why photos are preferred. 

Personality: Explain your character thoroughly, this is a warning that "tsundere" is not good enough, explain the type of tsundere they are if you must. If you'd like maybe explain WHY they act the way they are, overly excited? Why! Overly shut in? Why! Give detail! 

Likes: Examples would be a kind of sport, a kind of video game, a kind of hobby, a kind of club, a kind of music, or a kind of person. Please do not just say "friends" or "nice people" be creative!

Dislikes: Examples would be a kind of sport, a kind of video game, a kind of hobby, a kind of club, a kind of music, or a kind of person. Please do not just say "bully's" or "mean people" be creative!

Work/School Status: Examples would be high school junior, office job, college freshman, ect. Tell me if they at the top of their job or the smartest student in school. Are they popular at school or maybe  they're bullied for some reason. 

Family: Include family members the character LIVES with or is CLOSE WITH, not listing all seven aunts they have that won't show up in the role play, unless them having a big family is important, leave it out. Pet's count! Tell me about their dogs or new kitten! Pets are family too, don't be afraid to get exotic with it either!

Additional Info: If your character has allergies, fears, or powers, put them here! You could also explain how your character feel's toward family members or something more specific then the form could provide. 

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