Prologue: DA-5's Cyborg Kitty

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They say cats have nine lives. Whether this is true or not, is left up to the cat in question I suppose. So far, I believe I have had three lives. I say ‘believe’ because all I remember are two faces before I was forced into my second life—they were of a blue-eyed, curly blonde human girl, and her grandfather. I remember I was taken away from them—and when I woke up, I was not myself.

 "Doctor, the experiment was a success.”

 “Teehehe, of course it was! I chose him after all. Such a cute kitty.”

 “What will this subject be called?”

 “His name is Cef. Cute, isn’t it?”

 That was the start of my second life.

 My name is Cef—short for what the doctor called, Cybernetic Enhanced Feline. That woman doctor always gave me the chills. The partner I was placed with held the very same opinion.



“That is now yours.” Krantz said as he pointed behind the hacker.

 “Hm?” Tao turned to find a black and white cat staring at him from beside his computer. It gave a small, nonchalant wave of its tail, as if saying ‘hello’.

 He hadn’t even seen it enter the room when his leader had arrived. It was odd really—he had seen the man coming long before he had even entered the corridors to where he and the others of DA-5 were waiting for a mission. It was all thanks to the fact that he’d hack into and viewed the area with the cameras of the doctor’s own facility. He was either very bored and curious, or very paranoid.

 Tao had more than enough sense to know the cat must not have been ordinary then, as he looked down at it when it meowed.


 The hacker nearly jumped in his chair, blinking in interest at the cat. Did the cat just…?

 "Yes, I did.”

 “What the hell’s got Tao all froze stiff like that?” It was Hammer, another of the five members of DA-5.

 The tip of the cat’s tail flicked back and forth as it looked from Tao to the rest of the room.

 "Greetings. I am Cef—your newest member."

 Hammer, Shark, and Takeo also shared Tao’s unexplainable surprise now.

 “What the heck was that?” Hammer paused from his sandwich, blinking in confusion. “Did the rest of you hear that voice?” Though really, it had seemed to have come from inside his head.

 “Come out, whoever you are, before I decide to find and skewer you through myself.” Shark was obviously not pleased by whoever it was that had spoken so suddenly to them, and in such a straightforward, unmannered way. And what did they mean they were their newest member?

 “Haa,” The cat seemed to sigh as it remained seated near Tao on the desk. “And here I was hoping I wasn’t being dumped into a group of loud obnoxious humans. It appears they only enhanced your violent nature, and not the intellectual side of it.”

 Tao snickered quietly, finally able to match the voice to the person—well, cat. He took a liking to it immediately due to its quick display of personality.

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