Chapter 2: Discovery?

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Your POV:
You hear the blaring of your alarm clock and accidentally shatter it as you go to press snooze.
"Damn it," you thought to yourself as you rewind time, this is the third time this week. You roll out of bed and move your hand to the right, your closet door sliding open as you do so. You flick your hand and the school uniform comes flying out and lands on your bed. You head to the bathroom and get dressed, planning out your day. You brush out your long hair and put it into a fishtail, thinking about how it would be nice to have short hair. You teleport to the alleyway next to your favourite coffee shop and head inside. If there was one thing different from you and Saiki, it's that you use your powers every chance you get. You sit down and order a coffee jelly then remember you don't have any money. You tell the waitress that you're going to get your wallet from your school bag and teleport home. Sneaking into your parents room, you grab 3000 yen and teleport back. As you finish your coffee jelly, you look at your watch and notice school starts in 10 minutes. Reaching into your bag, you place 500 yen on the table and walk outside. You teleport to the side of the school, hoping no one was around.
"What a pain," you thought to yourself as you stand up. You look up and see Saiki staring at you and you hear him thinking.
"So she is psychic,"
He didn't seem phased by it so you tried to not seem phased by him knowing. He starts walking towards class and you follow. Walking side by side in silence, though you could both hear each other's thoughts.
"He's kind of cute," you think to yourself, then realize what you've done.

Saiki's POV:
"Not another one" you think, "Now that's 3 people who like me."
Even though you try to make yourself unlikeable, people still end up your friend. You have two options, pretend you didn't hear it, or run. You choose the first option. Looking at her from the corner of your eye, you can't help but notice she's pretty. Maybe it's because she looks like you. Finally, you reached Class 3, but you still have to sit next to each other. The teacher begins the lesson, and class goes as smoothly as it can for a town with 3 people with special abilities.

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