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The wet feeling of my husky's nose brushing against my face woke me up at 10 in the morning. My head pounded slightly as I sat up, my dog sprawling across the edge of my bed.

"Wakey wakey!" My sister Julia entered my room with the biggest smile plastered on her face.

"So last night! Your very first party, how are you feeling the morning after?!" Me and my sister were polar opposites. One of those being she was a morning person, and hangover or not I wasn't.

"Like shit." I took a sip of water from the bottle next to me.

"What happened? What crazy shit did I do?" I rubbed my eyes and threw my hair in a ponytail.

"Well you played two games of beer pong, which made you really drunk, then you danced with some guy and apparently he kissed you and you laughed at him when he asked to take you upstairs then came and got me to drive you home right before my boyfriend took me upstairs." Her last sentence showed slight annoyance. Oh well, they have enough sex already.

"Who was the guy?" I took more sips of my water, my head was killing me and I doubt we have any aspirin.

"I don't know. He had like black hair and a sleeve of tattoos though."

"Was he hot?" I'm curious.

She pushed her blonde hair back and shrugged. "Not as hot as my Liam but I guess he was a catch." I rolled my eyes at her. If I had a dollar for every time I heard the name Liam in a single day I could be paying Beyoncé's mortgage.

Just as Jules laid down on my bed, my phone buzzed and she turned around to look at me.

"Who would be texting you at 10 in the morning?" She took a laugh at her own joke.

"The friends that I don't have." I responded as I reached over to my nightstand to grab my phone from my nightstand.

Hey, it's me. I was wondering if we could catch up later on, maybe not put an end to last night. Let me know.

"JULIA!" I screamed, and she shot up from her position on my bed. She grabbed the phone from my hands, reading the message from the unknown number.

"Are you gonna text back?" Her eyes widened as she handed the device back to me. Before I could answer she snatched it away again opened my phone.

"How do you know my password?!"

"Oh it's the dog's birthday, that's your password to everything." She hopped off of my bed and the sound of the keys typing caused me to do the same and jump on her, fighting to get my phone back.

"JULIA STOP IT!" My small body was on her back, and she turned her whole body so that I was hanging off from the side, about to fall. As my hand reached for my phone, I dropped, and once my body hit the floor she ran out of my room with my phone still in hands, laughing as she typed god knows what.

I jumped back up as fast as I can and snatched my socks off so I didn't fall once I got to the hardwood floor of my hallway.

"JULIA GET THE FUCK BACK HERE I SWEAR!" I chased her down the stairs, skipping steps to get closer to her, and we had reached the living room before she stopped dead in her tracks with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"Done." She grinned and panted as she handed my phone back to me. I took a moment to catch my breath before snatching the phone from her hands and looked at the messages. Whatever it was she had sent to whoever H is, she deleted it.


"I don't know if i should get her a big diamond or not, I mean I know she doesn't like flashy jewelry but I want assholes to see that thing from a mile away and know she's taken." Niall scanned through the variety of diamond rings below the glass barrier.

"What about the 11 carat diamond right there?" I pointed to the medium sized crystal cut jewel that was surround by smaller ones around it. It was pretty enough.

"That's a beautiful one, may I see that one please. Thanks for helping me out here, Harry." He grinned as the lady handed him the ring on a velvet cloth, the diamonds causing the reflecting lights to appear rainbow. My phone buzzed in my pocket as Niall and the jeweler talked, and I pulled in out seeing the message.

Last night was the best, I feel terrible for running out on you. Let me make it up to you whenever you're free, I'd love to finish what we started.

My heart thudded in my chest. So this is really happening? I really slept with someone?

"Harry? Harry we're out of here. Harry!" Niall's voice made me shake my head out of my thoughts. He stood on his toes to take a look at my message.

"Ooooooh looks like you've got a little fling now." He smirked, the small blue box gripped in his fair hands.

"You went with the one I said?" I grinned, proud of myself.

"Yeah it was perfect, thanks. She's gonna love it." He smiled widely at the thought of his potential fiancé. I remember Louis giving him shit for proposing to his girlfriend and not letting him have a bachelor party. Leah would never allow it, and knowing tha, Niall wouldn't either.

"Liam said he'd help me plan out how it's all gonna go down. I don't know if I want to propose in front of our families or in private."

"Well it will be less suspicious if we have like a get together and then you can make a speech and do it then." I shrugged. His eyes lit up and my idea.

"That's perfect, Harry!"

"First thing that came to my head." My hands fidgeted in the pockets of my pants.

"Just text the girl back, Harry." He rolled his eyes and I mentally thanked him as I pulled the phone from my pockets and opened her message again. My fingers were typing words before I could even process them in my head. Soon enough I deleted it all and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Say something dirty, she'll probably like that?" Niall suddenly bursted out as we got in my car and I sat my phone in the cup holder.

"What makes you think she would like that?"

"It's what got her in bed with you, wasn't it." He opened his box and admired the ring a bit more. I rolled my eyes at him and opened my phone again.

My fingers lingered over the keys before the device was snatched out of my hand.

"Niall what the hell are you-" He held his finger up to silence me as he typed fast, and soon enough he handed my phone back to me. A little hesitant, I opened the messages again to see what he said, and even my eyes widened at his words, and I ran my hands through my hair a bit nervous about her reply to this.


Hi babies- I have to say I'm so excited for this book I feel like it's gonna be my best one yet.

5 votes and comments and I'll update again. And please be sure to check out my other books as well.

Thank you so much for reading and updates soon. Much love.


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