CHAPTER 19: Answers from the past 1/2

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They walked from one of the structures that seemed to be a kind of palace.

Bastemon had the idea that perhaps he would find some digimon who could help the boys to find a way to communicate with others, but no matter how hard they walked they could not find anyone.

He believed to find a digimon who lived there since the first digimon he found said there were answers about the way to go to the real world hidden in that town.

Sora, Bastemon and Piyomon observed the walls of the place looking for something that would help them to know more, Mimi accompanied them also with Palmon but she walked a little further away with some sadness, she did not stop worrying about her friends.

Sora noticed his concern, but decided to give his space a moment.

They came to a small open hallway where sunlight could be seen, it was the entrance to the main hall but it looked more like the exit since there was a thick forest on the other side.

Bastemon: I think there's something here-she said frustrated while removing some lianas from the wall

But there was so much grass growing on the wall and so many plants that it made her angry, so much so that she started scratching the wall.

Piyomon: If there is something then it will not be there if you do that

Bastemon: I can not remove it!

Palmon: What if you burn it Piyomon?

Piyomon: I do not want to cause a fire

Sora: Yes, the smoke could reveal where we are- She said a little distracted as she saw Mimi sitting on the floor while looking at her phone

He approached her to give her encouragement, but saw that Mimi was trying to call Taichi's phone, saw him do it many times but the call did not connect with him.

Sora: Mimi-chan ... -He said sad for her

Mimi: Huh? I'm sorry, -he said, waking up from his thoughts.

Sora: I know you're worried, it's okay, do not hide it, -he said as he sat beside her.

Mimi: Not knowing anything is annoying- He said while he stopped trying to call him

Then he started to take some pictures of his friends, mainly where Taichi came from.

He did not have one where he appeared alone with him, or one where he appeared alone, they were in a group of friends.

Mimi: Why do not we just have a couple together? - He said a little annoyed while still seeing the pictures

Sora: Because you did not tell him that you liked him

Mimi: Sora-san ... - She said surprised by what she said

Sora: I assumed you felt something for him, you know?

Mimi: Do you say it because I never bothered what you said?

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