o n e

10 1 1

me: heeeeeeeyyy bryceeeeee!

unknown: um, this isn't bRyCe

me: huh, wdym??

unknown: uH wym what i mean

me: this isn't bryce?

unknown: nope, i'm Grayyyy

me: huh, what a dick.

unknown: hurtful

me: oh no not you that bryce kid i met him at a party and he gave me the wrong number :(

gray: oh wow. a dick move.. anywaysss what's your name?

me: you expect me to tell my name to a COMPLETE stranger? yeah ...no

gray: oh come on i told you my name

me: fine i'm kehlani

gray: wow such a beautiful name for a beautiful lady

me: um you don't- nvm whatcha look like ?

gray: •_•

me: *picture sent*

gray: are those your um.. 🤭

me: b00bs? yes

gray: oh wow why?

me: eh i don't know :/ they slipped out my camera roll i guess🤷🏽‍♀️

gray: you have nice b00bs

me: thx?

gray: keksnsjs

me: i- sooo can i ?

gray: can you what?

me: get n00ds?


me: i mean i sent mines :/

gray: nobody asked you to...

me: ugh </3

gray: oh pls

me: what is 'gray' short for anyways?

gray: grayson ... duh id10t

me: fuck you

gray: *picture sent* ;)

me: awe man i thought it was nudes it's just your face :/ you cute or wuteva

gray: oh babygirl there is no "wUtEvA" because you know i'm pretty hot

me: yea yea but it's literally 1am i'm tired soooo goodnight boy i sent my nudes to

gray: night <3

SOOOOOOO this book is off to an awful start sadly 🙁 but anyways if you have an opinion i won't really care if it's bad you can leave it in the comments.
~ much love , tink😽.

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