Chapter 1: The Wedding

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I'm sorry for the long wait! I'm working on my original WiP, and that takes most of my time. I'll do my best to upload a chapter once or twice a month.

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The sun shone brightly on her wedding day

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The sun shone brightly on her wedding day. It was perfectly clear, with no clouds, white or gray, on site. It was so bright, it didn't look like a winter day, but it surely felt like one. Miroslava felt grateful to have such a cozy room, with the heat of the fireplace warming up the winter morning, and her kosovorotka, a long warm dress shirt with long sleeves made of fine linen embroidered with five different patterns of white lace.

She felt beautiful and excited, like her heart was about to burst, but she was also nervous. This was an important day, she was to marry Igor, the dragonslayer's grandson. Mirra tried to hide it and just concentrated in her task at hand, playing with the toy dragon she could never get to fly.

Her older sister, Yaroslava, braided her ankle-length blonde hair.

"Hear that Mirra," Yaroslava asked.

"The groom has arrived!" One of the maids said.

"Get her dress and the necklace while she's counting crows," her sister said.

"I'm not counting crows. I'm thinking. It's a pity there are no more dragons," Mirra replied, ignoring her sister scornful words.

The maid cleaning her feet, gave Mirra a kind smile as the child everyone thought of her to be. A curious, bright, young woman but nonetheless a child.

Mirra played with her paper dragon, mimicking the tales of dragons flying on the sky. She stretched her arms, moving the toy dragon in her hand with her wrist to make it come alive.

"Stop it. You'll jinx your wedding day. Would you rather a dragon take you, and Igor fight him?"

Her toy dragon fell from her hands to the floor and the maid cleaning her feet picked it up and gave it back to her.

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