Chapter 1: Surfing day

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Timmy the turtle (also the top wing's number one fan) decided that he wanted to go to the beach. He had never been there before. All he knew that the top wing goes there. "One day, I'll be a cadet as well." He promised himself. As he was just about to step onto the sand, he saw a surfing shaft that rented surf-boards. An idea popped into his creative, little head.

Timmy stood holding a surf-board that was perfect for his size. The coolness of the water made him push the surf-board onto the glassy surface. He glided across the water by paddling along with his back feet. Little did he know that something bad was going to happen...
A wave started to form. But it was unusual. It started to curl around Timmy. The little turtle started to panic. He fiddled around for a remote to call the top wing, but soon enough, he was enveloped in the wave...
An alarm blared through the walls of HQ. Swift grabbed his cushion and put it over his head. Penny put headphones on- to block out the noise. "What did we cockle-doodle do to deserve this?!" Rod groaned. Brody fell out of his bed/compartment. Speedy and Bea walked in. "Good morning, cadets." Bea said. "Good morning." They said in unison. Speedy then spoke up. "If you are not aware, there is a mission." The cadets quickly jumped out of their tierd states and put their mission gear on. They entered the control room. "Alright, cadets. There is an urgent mission. At 9 'o clock this morning, there was twelve thousand surfers on the beach. Now there is none. The weird thing is that they never left the beach. We need to find out where they've gone. Time to earn your wings!" All four birds rushed to their elevators. Once out, they ran to their vehicles and descended on the journey. "See anything, Penny?" Asked Swift.
"No, Swift. What about you Rod?" Penny passed the question on."Not a single thing. Brody?"
After 10 minutes of driving, the cadets arrived at the beach. Brody was above the water while Penny was below.
"There isn't any clues under here." She stated. Swift was in the air and Rod was on land. Brody had a strange feeling about this whole mission; he felt like something was going to jump out at him. "I don't think you're going to find anything, cadets." Speedy's voice echoed through their coms. "Okay, Speedy. We're coming back now." Swift said. Swift motioned for the cadets to move out, they did so. All but one, that is. Brody had to find out where the surfers were. He didn't care whether the mission had been called off or not. Suddenly, a wave started forming out of nowhere. Like it had been created by something or someone (Sound familiar?). Did they get wiped out by the wave?  Brody thought.
"Brody! I called the mission off! Why are you still there?" Speedy once again spoke a little too loudly through the coms. "I'm coming back now." The puffin said with a sigh. He spoke too soon. The wave had been growing larger and larger and was now the size of a T. Rex. Brody's eyes widened in fear and started driving. But his escape didn't go as well as he thought it would. The wave came crashing down on him and his vehicle (btw, can you comment the name of the vehicles?)  just as he was making his exit. Brody held his breath knowing that if he wasted it, he could die. The wave kept on overlapping; the force of it keeping Brody from swimming to the surface. Brody let out a muffled scream, when a huge whale swam past him. He started choking because of the water. "Help!" Brody screamed into his com, but once again, he was muffled by the water. Brody knew what was happening, he was drowning. He was hoping for a reply from HQ, but got none. Just as he was about to loose hope, a voice cut through the silence like a knife. "Brody? Brody are you there?"  If he could, Brody would do a victory dance, but.... Brody repeated the word he had been shouting for what seemed like forever. "HELP!" It didn't come out clear because of the water. "What do you mean, Brody? Where are you?"  Brody knew that explaining all that would only sufficate him more, so he hoped that if he shouted "help" one more time, they would track his vehicle down to find him. So he did so.
Speedy and Bea were worried. Brody had just shouted help through his com. "What do you mean, Brody? Where are you?" Bea asked. The only answer they got was another muffled shout for help. "Brody! We need to know where you are!" Swift said. No answer. "Brody are you there?" Rod spoke this time. Still no answer. "Brody?" Penny was hoping that she would get a reply, but she didn't. "Bea, locate his vehicle." Bea followed Speedy's orders and tapped random buttons. "Right there." She said, pointing to a flashing green dot on the screen.
Penny, Swift and Rod didn't need orders to start looking for their friend. They were out as soon as possible. If anyone was worried the most, it was Penny. No one knew this, but she had a crush on Brody. She just hoped she could find him before it was too late. Her prayers were answered when she saw him in the water, unconcious. She gasped. Penny quickly excited her vehicle, grabbed Brody and entered it again. She laid him on the floor and said into her com, "I've found Brody. Meet back at the HQ."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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