They dozed off for another three hours, until the sun was bright and shining into the bedroom to light up their day. Sweet Pea found himself staring at her as she stretched herself out, turning to her side to face him and look into his eyes. Kate studied his face, feeling her whole body tingling at the way they were tangled up in the sheets, tangled up in each other. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed, his eyes moving from every spot on her face as if he was looking for the right words to say. "I'm in love with you". Sweet Pea's voice was still thick with sleep, croaking a bit as his throat felt dry. Kate smiled at him, her fingertips tracing his bare collarbones. "I'm in love with you too, Pea". She replied and he smiled as well, taking her hand in his and kissing her fingertips softly. The tough Serpent attitude complete fell when he was around her, turning rather protective than defensive if he needed to. He'd catch a bullet for her. "Glad you said it, else it would he hella awkward". Sweet Pea grinned and she laughed.

"Yeah, it would be". Kate swung her leg over his waist and straddled his abdomen, making his eyes shift upwards to her naked front, her hands placed on his chest. "You wanna go again?". He wiggled his eyebrows and she swatted his chest with a scoff. "I just can't control my dick when you're around". He shrugged at her non-verbal response, a boyish grin on his lips. "You just ruined a perfectly romantic moment". Kate giggled and leaned forward to kiss his lips. "I don't know what being romantic is". He crossed his arms over his chest with a stubborn look on his face. "Sure thing, Sweets". Kate got off him. She stole his shirt while searching for a pair of shorts and he watched her from his spot in the bed. Sweet Pea locked his fingers behind his head and broke out into a nicely out of tune version of Foreigner's I Wanna Know What Love Is. She shook her head with a smile and wandered downstairs to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. She felt like she was starving and she totally blamed Sweet Pea for the burn of those calories and energy.

Kate was in the mood to make some pancakes, so she did. The delicious smell of the kitchen lured Sweet Pea out of the bathroom and he made his way downstairs, only wearing a pair of sweats. His arms wrapped around her waist and she sighed as he couldn't seem to let her go one moment. "Can I help you?". He rested his chin atop of her head. "Yeah, by sitting at the table and waiting for breakfast to be ready". She cuckled and she could almost see the pout on his face. Pea bend down to kiss her cheek and moved to the table with a sigh, watching her preparing the pancakes and mixing the batter with some blueberries. "What are we going to do today?". He asks as she came to the table to and shoved a cup of coffee towards him. "I wanted to show you around, if you want to of course". She smiled and he blinked, looking at her. He wasn't sure about going outside. He felt like an outsider here. In Riverdale, outsiders were suspicious and mostly unwatted, which made him insecure.

"I'm not sure". Sweet Pea replied and she nodded. "Take your time to think". Kate smiled and got back to the kitchen to take their pancakes and they could eat breakfast. Sweet Pea did want to go outside, so he told Kate he would get another shower and get in some clothes and that she could take him outside later. Kate was happy he didn't want to stay in all day, she was longing to see the city she had lived in for the longest part of her life and where her roots laid. They got downstairs after they were ready and Kate took her umbrella, it was drizzling a bit outside and more rain was probably coming. Sweet Pea searched for her hand as they took the elevator to the ground floor of the building and she looked up at him with a gentle smile. He smiled back and looked ahead of himself again. The Serpent entwined her fingers with his and Kate lifted her umbrella as soon as they were on the pavement outside. "Let me, else you'll poke my eye out". He chuckled and took the umbrella in his other hand, while Kate hooked her arm through his.

The afternoon they spend outside had been more fun than he thought it would be. Before he got into Kate's jet, he was shivering with almost disgust at the thought of such a big city, but it was nice to have no one looking at you. Nobody looked at him as if he was weird. No one gave him weird looks because of the tattoo in his neck. They merged into the rest of the many people that walked around here and he loved the feeling of not being noticed for once. Kate knew her way around the block and she showed him some touristical points, however they of course couldn't walk through the whole city as it was too big for that. They ate lunch at a nice cafeteria and this time it was on Kate, as she still wanted to treat him after he took her out for dinner in Greendale. The afternoon had gone by quickly and they were about to head back to Kate's apartment. "Can you wait here?". Sweet Pea gave her the umbrella and she nodded, her eyebrows furrowing together in a frown as he walked around the corner.

She assumed he'd be back soon, he wouldn't know where else to go anyway, she giggled to herself and suddenly a bright red rose was pushed under her nose, making her look up at him with the smile that made his heart want to beat forever, just for her. "Pea, you didn't have to". Kate smiled and took the rose, small droplets still on its petals because of the rain. The colour was beautifully red. "I wanted to". Sweet Pea smiled and lowered the umbrella so he could take her face in his hands and kiss her, kiss her in the rain of Washington DC.


     "Girls, start the stretching, no more chit-chat". Cheryl clapped her hands and the cheerleaders spread over the gym floor to start the stretching routine. "Bet you got enough stretching last week". Betty snickered and it caused Veronica to giggle. "Depends on where you mean, between my legs or my limbs?". Kate briefly rose her eyebrows and Betty's mouth fell open with a smirk. "Where is the shy girl we met at first?". Betty moved to stretch her legs and Kate did the same, shrugging at her question. "Sweet Pea is making you more badass, Kate". Veronica added. "He told me he's in love with me". Kate blurted out and Betty and Veronica 'ahwed' in stereo. "He's making you tough and he's getting so soft. I'm sure you have him wrapped around your finger". Veronica continued, however Kate shook her head, yet with blushing cheeks. "Reggie is so jealous". Betty mentioned, looking over her shoulder as the group of basketballers were training too, Reggie being the only one shirtless.

"He wasn't shirtless last Friday when you were here, it was hotter then than it is today". She said. "I'm sure he wants to impress you. Archie's shirtless around me basically all the time too". Veronica playfully rolled her eyes and threw her hair over her shoulder. "That's because you're having sex like twentyfour-seven". Betty scoffed and it made them all laugh. "At least we...". 

"Students of Riverdale High, this is your principal. Emails have been sent to your parents, but effective immediately, Soutside High school is shut down. Its students will be transfered to other schools in the district, including this one. I believe the statements we're releasing will address your concerns, I'm sure you'll receive them shortly and that you have many questions. It goes without saying, we are welcoming these students with open minds, hearts and arms".

"Betty, that means...". Kate started as she saw the face of her friend. "It means that Jughead is coming back. I'm ready for that". She breathed. "Are you sure?". Veronica asked, concern filling her eyes. "Of course, we're fine". Betty added a smile and everyone stood up. "Great, let's welcome them!". Veronica took a sprint to the dressingrooms and Betty and Kate shared a look, surely the Serpents would love a fake enthusiastic welcome.

A/N: I'm sorry for being so late, my life was hella busy

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