Flashback: Christmas 2016: Part I

Start from the beginning

"No," he groaned. "I will cross that bridge when I get there ok. Umm.. Steph, have you been feeding Sylo cookies?"

"No," I growled glaring at him as he pointed his finger. I lifted my head to see Sylo reared up on the counter with his front paws trying to nose a candy cane shaped cookie off the counter. "Dammit Sylo! I told you no."

I snagged his collar pulling him down then snapped my fingers pointing towards his bed in the living room. He ran in there with his tail between his legs pouting. I turned my attention back to the phone. "I swear that is the most stubborn, hardheaded dog that ever lived. Just like his owner."

"I'm not that hardheaded darlin," Brantley said giving me a wink. He narrowed his eyes at his phone then looked at me with a sad smile. "I'll have to call you later sweetheart. Need to go charge my phone. I promise to let you know as soon as we get things figured out okay."

"Okay rockstar," I said quietly. "Love you and be safe B."

"Always darlin," he murmured. "Love you too."

I bit my lip as he ended the call and a tear slipped down my cheek. I swiped at it then put my phone down on the counter busying myself with cleaning up to distract myself. Why this was bothering me so bad I didn't want to think about it. Wasn't like this was the first Christmas we had spent apart. We usually were busy with our own families. I sniffled as I wiped the flour off the counter shaking my head. I don't know why it was upsetting me so much this year.

Brantley's POV

I found a quiet out of the way corner of the airport and dug my phone charger out of my backpack with a sigh plugging it in the wall next to the chair I was sitting on. The look of disappointment that had flashed in Stephanies eyes before she locked it down had gutted me.

She had skipped out on going to Texas with her parents to stay home and celebrate Christmas with me. I had been looking forward to spending Christmas Eve with her. Both for the down time and just time with her. I knew I had a busy ass year ahead of me. Now here it was the day before and I was stuck 1500 miles away in a damn airport.

Mike was on the phone with Scott, my record label owner, to see if he could get his plane landed close to Denver and we could drive to meet it. PJ had gone in search of coffee because it seemed like it was gonna be a long night. I leaned my head against the wall closing my eyes.

I had a little down time the next couple of weeks because of the holidays but then I was back at it after the beginning of the year with the album dropping in late January and the tour kicking off not long after. I had plans to talk Stephanie into going on the road with us for the summer leg.

I knew she would make the trip up for the opening and closing shows because it was a tradition and the guys would be pissed if she missed it. My eyes popped open when I thought about what else I had planned on talking her into this year. I sat up reaching over for my backpack unzipping the middle compartment and pulling out a box. Inside was the Purple Heart medal that Justin had given me that I always took with me.

Hidden inside along with it was a small black velvet box. When I had bought the ring this summer I knew this was the perfect hiding place because Stephanie never would look in here. I flipped the lid open looking down at the sparkling diamond for probably about the thousandth time. I just hoped I had the courage to ask her. I debated with myself to ask her for Christmas. She would be shocked for sure.

I knew she was expecting the Garth Brooks tickets I had hidden at the house that she had mentioned a few months ago. I just happened to have an off weekend then, so I had gotten them along with a few other things. Normally we exchanged gifts early because we were busy with our families, but she had decided to stay home this year instead of going to Texas with her parents. I was so lost in thought I didn't even hear Mike walk up to me until he spoke.

"Good news," Mike said making me jump as I looked up at him. His eyes widened, and he almost dropped his phone at what was in my hand. "Holy hell BG, there something you need to tell me?"

"No," I growled snapping the ring box closed and putting it back in the back with the medal and putting them back in my bag. I pointed a finger at him. "You didn't see a damn thing Mike."

"Noted," Mike said with a chuckle as he sat beside me stretching his legs out then looked at me out of the corner of his eye. "I don't even have to ask who that is for. I will say this. About damn time man."

"I don't know what you are talking about," I grumbled crossing my arms over my chest tapping my fingers. I so didn't want to have this conversation. PJ was the only one who knew I had bought it because he had been with me.

"Don't give me that shit Brantley," Mike said with a laugh. "It's my job, just like PJ's, to see all but not see all you know. I've watched the dance between you and Stephanie for years man. Planning on asking her for Christmas?"

"No," I said with a sigh rubbing a hand across my face. "Hell, I don't know. I crashed and burned pretty bad several years back on even asking her to take a chance on me. She shot me down, hard. Been trying to get up the nerve to even attempt it again and well that is a pretty big step."

"BG," Mike said shaking his head at me. "Man, when that happened you were pretty messed up. We all know this, especially Steph. It took her walking away for you to get yourself together. But even I know that things have changed between the two of you this past year. Don't know if either of you have noticed but y'all already have pretty much been a couple, just haven't looked at it that way. I haven't seen you go on any dates and from what I hear the boys say she hasn't either. I would say its time to make a move man. Only has taken you half your life as it is."

"Fuck off man," I said with a glare. "Okay off the subject of my love life. What was your good news?"

"Just found out that the snow is over and not as deep as they originally thought so they will start clearing the runways in the next few hours and Scott has the jet on standby to head this way and get us. Should be home in plenty of time for Christmas Eve man," Mike said with a big grin.

"Thank God," I said meeting his grin as PJ walked back up handing both of us a cup of coffee. "Best news I have heard all day."

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