Chapter One

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Third Person POV

A group of five men and a woman sat in a dimly lighted room, waiting impatiently for the man who had called them there. A nicely built man with long blonde hair twirled a large and heavy hammer around in the air with the utmost ease while the rest sat in annoyed silence.

"Where is he?" One from the group asked, but no one answered as they had no answer to his question. Although, they all wanted to know. Where could he be? He himself had called them there saying that there was an emergency and they needed to come right away, so why wasn't he there yet?

"Sorry I'm late everyone, but the reason I called you here was a bit difficult." The door to the room swung open to reveal Nick Fury with a bag large enough to contain a human slung over his shoulder.

"What'd you do kill someone?" The only woman in the group asked, snickering slightly.

"Not someone Natasha, something. And no I did not kill it. I just neutralized it. It seems that whatever it is, it doesn't like to stick around after dying." This caught the groups attention as they all sat up straighter in their chairs, trying to get a better look at the bag on Fury's shoulder.

"What does this thing do exactly?" Steve asked walking over to Nick and gently taking the bag from the man.

"I don't know yet, but I did see it go after a group of kids. When I caught up to them, the thing was gone. When the kids disappeared, two more of these monsters happened to show up. Naturally, I tried to kill it, but there were... um... complications." The man said frowning slightly.

"Complications?" Thor stopped twirling his hammer, giving the man his undivided attention. 

"Nothing I used would kill the damn thing! Then one of those kids showed up again, and killed it. He used something that looked sort of like a sword, but it seemed to be very hazy and almost unreal. The other thing that had appeared while they were gone," At this Fury raised the bag on his shoulder slightly, emphasizing that the creature was the same, "had been knocked out by the blast of my guns, and before the boy could see that there was another one and kill it, I hid it away and bagged it up before calling you guys. I don't know what we're facing, but if it's almost impossible to kill, then I think we should look into this or we could be in trouble."

The group known as the Avengers nodded in agreement, but no one spoke for awhile, each one of them deep in thought over what the thing that Nick had over his shoulder could possibly be.

"I believe our first course of action should be inspecting the creature." Bruce looked at the bag that was now securely in Steve's arms.

"He's right. We should know what our enemy looks like, and what it might be able to do before we do anything else." Clint agreed.

Steve nodded and walked over to the table they had all been sitting around, placing the sack upon it's surface before looking at the group. "Well here goes nothing." He said as he reached out and unzipped the sack to reveal a disgusting creature. It's face looked like that of a dogs, with a black snout, brown eyes, and pointy ears. It's body was sleek and black like a seals. It had stubby legs that were half flipper and half foot, and human-like hands with sharp claws. If you blended together a Doberman pinscher, a human child, and a sea lion then you would get the gist of what the thing on the table looked like.

"Ugh what is that?" Tony asked wrinkling his nose and stepping away.

"That's what I wanted to know." Fury pointed out, still not taking his eyes of the creature.

"Fury," All eyes turned to Thor who looked to be in utmost shock, "You said you saw a group of kids fighting these things is that correct?"

Nick nodded although he didn't see where Thor was going with this. A bad feeling sunk into his gut, thickening the air with unease. 

"These kids... did they seem to be able to fight well? As if they were born for almost that very purpose?" The God of Thunder's voice was very quiet now, but everyone in the room could hear him.

"I guess you could say that. Why? Do you know what this is? Or why only those kids could kill this thing?" Nick scowled, but his heart rate picked up slightly. If a God knew about this, that wasn't the best sign.

"Possibly. My father once spoke of an older race of gods, ones who were here upon Earth for a long time, but we of Asgard have not heard from them in thousands of decades. We believed they perished, but if what you say is true, then there is a possibility that those gods are still here. They had children with mortals and those children are called demigods, half god and half human. They possess powers from there godly parents that helped them survive, but this race of gods have their children fight their battles. To us this is a disgrace, but there children were strong, and they tested them to the point of no repair. If they did not die, they were emotionally and physically scarred. These gods that I speak of are known as the Greek gods. You may have heard of them at some point in time, but I assure you that they were once very powerful, and they might still be." Thor glared at the monster before him before speaking the words he dreaded to speak. "We must find one of these demigods, and tell them what is happening."

"Shouldn't they know though? I mean they fight these things right?" Steve asked.

"It is true they know of these creatures, but only a few mere mortals can see these creatures, and what are the odds that all of us are able to see through the veil that these demigods call the mist? None of us should be able to see these creatures, although I may be held as the only exception. If what I'm thinking is true, people, normal mortals will begin to see these monsters, and they may just start attacking whomever they wish. Whether the person is mortal or not. That, would be very bad. It would be more terrifying than you could ever imagine, and trust me you do not want this to happen, but I fear that it will and we will need the help of those who can fight these creatures if we wish to protect the citizens of Earth." The God of Thunder clenched his hammer so tightly his knuckles began to turn white, but he didn't care. This issue could be even worse than facing Loki in New York.

"Well then, I guess we should find us a demigod." Fury said looking at the group assembled in the dark room. God help them all.

So.... I just really like the idea of the Avengers and Nico di Angelo teaming up and yes probably the rest of the main characters in Percy Jackson. I don't know if I will have an OC yet, but I do know this unfortunately... I DO NOT OWN PERCY JACKSON OR THE AVENGERS!!!! :(

Tell me what you think!! Please comment and vote, and tell me what you think will happen!! Everyone comment and vote helps, and since I'm just starting this story I don't know if it's good enough to keep so if you like it, please tell me because I won't keep it if it's no good! Thanks for reading!!

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