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"Isaac, what are we doing here?" April gasped, taking in the beautiful scenery.

"I discovered this place when I turned 15, I wanted to show you, I really did but I was too young and dumb to put away popularity. I had gotten lost in the woods and it led me to this beach, I liked coming here every night secretly hoping you would discover this place too," Isaac ranted.

"That's amazing, I always thought you were this self-conceited boy but now you seem like you're anything but that. You still thought of me when we weren't friends anymore?" April asked, walking towards the beach to see the waves rise and crash.

"Everyday, every single day."

April gave a soft smile after hearing that, it seemed like it had been the first time in her life where she had actually smiled so much, she was scared that her lips would be sore by the end of the day. If Isaac didn't kiss her or anything.

"I love you," April whispered, kissing him on the cheek. "I love myself too," he chuckled, "Don't worry, I love you more than myself."

"So cheesy," April teased and stuck out her tongue. "And it's like she's five years old again," Isaac pointed out dramatically, waving his hands around with an exasperated look on his face.

"You were always quite the drama queen when we were little," April recalled thinking about when she had dumped ice in his pants.

"I'm going to get you, Isaac!" She shouted, chasing after him with a bucket full of ice. "You'll never catch me," Isaac cried but when he turned to look back if April was still following him, he tripped over a tree stub and fell down, making April easily catch up to him.

She pinned him down and smirked, "Got you!"

He giggled but then fearfully looked at the bucket of ice which she gladly dumped into his jeans.

"Ah! That's so cold!" Isaac shrieked, shivering at the coldness. April pouted when he had turned away from her. "I'm sorry," she whined, "Talk to me again."

Isaac turned around gave her a hug, then putting leaves and flowers in her hair. "You look like a princess," he muttered, not being able to take his eyes off the girl standing in front of him who was oblivious to everything.

"And you're my prince," she giggled, jokingly but Isaac wished that she had meant it.

"April, are you okay?" Isaac asked, pulling her from memory land. "Yeah, just thinking about when I dumped ice down your pants," April confessed making Isaac frown.

"Don't bring that up!"

After a few moments, the smile on his face was back and he pulled April into his warm touch. "You look like a princess," Isaac quoted.

"And you're my prince," April said, this time meaning it causing Isaac to grin.

"You still remember my little princess."

"Of course I do, my handsome prince," April exclaimed, mimicking his way of talking.

"Why don't we swim?" Isaac asked. April's eyes lit up but suddenly, the light that shined burned out. "In our regular clothes? I'd catch hyperthermia," she said doubtfully.

"Which is why I brought you a bikini," he said, "Stay here, I'll be right back." As April watched his retreating back, she stared up into the sky. How was she so lucky to have someone like Isaac love her?

"Thank you God for giving me Isaac Londono," she whispered meanwhile Isaac said, "Thank you God for letting April Monteiro give me a second chance."

They both hadn't realized they said this at the exact same time but they felt a spark in them as they said each and every word.

"I'm back, did you miss me?" Isaac taunted, throwing her a bikini that she caught, thankfully. Imagine how embarrassing it would've been if she missed the simplest throw.

She had a decent body, or what she hoped was decent but she was still worried what Isaac would think. Stripping in front of the hottest guy in school while she just had average looks was nerve racking for her.

"Don't worry, I already think you're perfect," Isaac's soft voice said when he looked at her and saw her mentally freak out. He had already changed into a pair of swim trunks and was patiently waiting for her to change into the bikini.

"We could always go skinny dipping?"

April's eyes widened and her eyebrows scrunched together, "Oh my gosh, no!"

Then after taking some time to look from the water, the bikini, and the boy she loved, she had made up her mind. "Isaac, can you turn around?"

Deciding to play the polite boyfriend, he did as she said even though he desperately wanted to see her strip. She had the most flawless curves in all the right places, amazingly attractive to him.

Once April had said that he could turn back around, he saw a model wearing a polka dot bikini. "Is something wrong?" She asked, suddenly feeling self-conscious because Isaac stared at her.

"No, no. Quite the opposite, you're beautiful."

Hearing this made April smile, she had always been worried about her body, she liked to eat what a girl shouldn't eat and she definitely wasn't the skinniest but Isaac made her feel gorgeous.

"Before we go swimming, one last thing," Isaac said making April groan, wanting to go in the water already.

He tapped on his phone and April's own phone beeped.

Isaac - Ready to go my princess?

She smiled and looked at Isaac who gestured her to respond back.

April - Of course, my prince.

Together, they raced each other to the water, not knowing someone had been watching them the whole time.


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