02. Her Secret?

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"Good morning!" Byounggon says waving his hand
Yunji who sees that just walks calmly ignoring the boy. Byounggon who sees that immediately chases her.
"Are you ignoring me?" Byounggon says
Yunji just keep on walking. Byounggon walks beside her.
"What are you doing after school?" Byounggon asks wrapping his arm around her shoulders
Yunji stops walking
"Get this away from me" Yunji says pointing to his arm
"Oops,sorry" Byounggon says waving his hand
Yunji starts to walk again and Byounggon follows her
"After school let's eat with me" Byounggon says
"No,I have to go to tuition" Yunji says
"Why the heck people go to tuition to be honest?" Byounggon asks
"To study" Yunji says
"Why do they have to study?" Byounggon asks
"To go to university" Yunji says
"Why do they have to go to university?" Byounggon asks
"Because they want to work" Yunji says
"Why do they have to work?" Byounggon asks
"To earn money" Yunji says
"Okay I lost" Byounggon says lifting both his hands up
They keep on walking until they arrive in front of Yunji's class
"We've arrived,see you later" Byounggon says waving his hand
Yunji just walks inside her class
"You're ignoring me again..." Byounggon says sighing

~Lunch break~
"Let's sit there" Changhyun says pointing to a table full of girls
Byounggon walks right unlike where Changhyun goes
"Yah,where are you-" Changhyun says when he saw Byounggon sitting with a familiar girl
"Okay..." Changhyun mutters

Byounggon sits in front of a girl
"Why you sit there?" Yunji asks
"Let's eat together... I don't have friend" Byounggon says while eating a spoonful of rice
"You? Don't you have Chae Changhyun?" Yunji asks
Byounggon then pointing to where Changhyun is. Yunji looks to where he points and sees Changhyun is sitting with girls.
"You know the reason now" Byounggon says drinking his soup
Yunji sighs and continues to eat her rice. Byounggon takes a peek looking at her and smirks.

Byounggon walks to the rooftop when he saw a girl talking in the phone
"Oh? It's Yunji. Song Yun-" Byounggon calls her name when Yunji shouts to the phone
"Please pick up,oppa... We haven't talked in like 3 months. Don't you miss me? Yah! I'm pretty,I'm beautiful! I can find other man quickly! Don't you afraid? If you are listening to this voice mail please call me..." Yunji shouts frustatingly
"So she really has a boyfriend..." Byounggon mutters
Byounggon walks closer and wraps his arm around Yunji's shoulders
"Yah! What are you doing here?" Byounggon asks
"Get this away from me" Yunji says pointing to his arm
"Sorry!" Byounggon says waving his hand
"You have a boyfriend? I didn't know..." Byounggon asks
"It's not your business! Why did you listen to it!" Yunji says
Yunji walks away from him
"Why are you going? Yah! Where are you going!" Byounggon shouts


Preview of the next chapter

"I'll make her fall for me deeply" Byounggon says smirking

"All girls fall for me! Except you,why?" Byounggon asks
"That's what I'm saying! You're not a pro" Yunji says

"You'll definitely fall for me if I kiss you" Byounggon says walking closer

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