"Harry, my mam asked me to visit her for dinner at her house next week. I was wondering if you wanted to go?"

He furrowed his brows. "Your mum? But I thought you weren't on good terms with her? And does she know you're taking care of me?"

"She has her ways of finding stuff out," Lynn grumbled absently. "Let's just say she has some foresight with this sort of thing."

Harry's face showed that he understood what she was getting at. It was no secret between them that Lynn had visions. Though Harry found it interesting, Lynn described it more as a pain in the ass rather than useful, as her visions were so unclear they might as well have never existed.

"So your gifts are inherited through the family?" Harry questioned. 

"Mhmm," she hummed in agreement. "My grandmother had it too. She thinks that some godly creature blessed our family with seer blood so that we could rule the world. I think she's off her rocker."

"Well... I would love to meet your mum," Harry said. "I'm sure she won't be that bad. Maybe she's changed since the last time you talked to her."

"Yeah maybe." Lynn's tone told Harry that she didn't believe that one bit. "We don't have to go if you don't want to," she told him, half hoping that he would say he didn't.

He shook his head, oblivious to Lynn's distress, though in fairness, Lynn was a master at hiding her emotions.

"Alright," Lynn said. "Time for you to meet my mother."


The week flew in faster than anticipated, the sunny weather disappearing like it had never been there in the first place. 

The floo in the McLaughlin Manor erupted into emerald flames- something that hadn't occurred in a long time. Lynn stepped out first, brushing off the soot on her robes before instinctively reaching out for Harry before he could face plant the wooden floor of the living room.

"Thanks," Harry said, wiping his glasses with the corner of his t-shirt before placing them back on the bridge of his nose. Taking a look around, Lynn took note that the place had barely changed. The same faux dragon hide sofas were in the exact same position against the walls. The walls were still a blank white, bare of any family photos or portraits. Everything felt the same, cold and empty and Lynn couldn't help but feel trapped in this situation.

"Lynn?" A voice called, before a woman with deep auburn hair and cold blue eyes appeared at the doorway. 

"Hello mam," Lynn greeted quietly. "I'd like you to meet Harry. Harry Potter."

Harry smiled and awkwardly waved at the intimidating woman, who forced a smile back and jolted her head slightly in greeting.

For a few seconds, an unbearable silence settled between them, which was thankfully interrupted by Merry the house elf.

"Your dinner is ready mistress," she squeaked. The little elf glanced at Lynn before quickly scurrying away.

Eveline cleared her throat. "Well then, shall we move into the dining room?"

"Yeah, sure," Lynn said, making her mother's lips purse at her informality. "Come on, Harry."

Harry followed closely behind Lynn, entering the dining room which had a lovely feast prepared on the table. Then followed the most awkward night of Harry's life.

"So, what have you been up to these past few years?" Eveline asked politely, pouring gravy over her roast dinner.

Lynn had already began to tuck into her plate, as if eating her food faster would speed up the evening. "I've been teaching at Hogwarts. Arithmancy," Lynn replied, silently passing Harry the gravy, which he had been reaching for.

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