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sicheng walked over to his new seat with light footsteps. he sat down and peeked over at his seatmate. he was surprised to find him already looking at him, smiling.

"so, i'm lucas. nice to meet you." his seatmate greeted with a bright smile. "um, n-nice to meet you. i'm sicheng," he exchanged with a small nod. sicheng glanced over at the clock, hoping that the day would end already.

the class had finally started after everyone was settled, and the teacher immediatley began the lesson. sicheng understood most of what the teacher had said, but the lesson was taught too quickly for him to grasp some of the concepts. lucas might've noticed, because he had lightly tapped sicheng's shoulder, handing him a blue post-it with a message written in messy handwriting.

'are you confused?'

sicheng looked over at lucas, and lightly nodded. he quickly scribbled something on the post-it as a response.

'he's talking too quickly :( '

lucas felt a small tap on his shoulder and took that as a cue to take the post-it back. he looked at the message and then back over at sicheng, who was pouting cutely while trying to concentrate on the lesson. lucas couldn't help but smile at the small boy.

'don't worry, i'll lend you my notes ;) '

lucas slid the note over to sicheng, and tapped his shoulder again. the pink haired boy looked down at the post-it note that was placed onto his open notebook. he smiled when he saw the message that was scribbled on.

'thank you so much'

sicheng tapped lucas's shoulder again, and when lucas looked back, he was surprised to see sicheng smiling back at him. his cheeks were somewhat pink with blush and his nose crinkled, causing the glitter to move and shimmer.


at first, lucas didn't understand why sicheng suddenly flushed pink, ears red and eyes widened. but the realization hit him after a few seconds of the shared awkward silence.

"did i say that out loud?"

sicheng replied with a small nod of his head, embarrassed and shy. they shared eye contact for a second before they bursted into a fit of giggles at how ridiculous it was. before they knew it, the bell had rung, signaling the end of class.

"i'll give you my notes at lunch, so sit with me. if you don't understand anything, just ask me."

"okay, thank you for lending me your notes. i don't know what i would've done without you." sicheng replied with a smile.

they both headed to their next classes, waving goodbye to each other, one of them wishing that lunch would arrive quicker.

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