Chapter 1: The Gang

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"Both of you stop. I want to go home and change." I said.

I walk to the door, glancing at the guys before opening the door. After grabbing my purse, I walk to my apartment door. Pulling my keys out of my bag, I heard Ross and Emily coming upstairs. "Hey Isabella!" They both said. I smiled as they walk over to me, holding hands. "Emily I need your help picking out some outfits. This guy I really like is coming and I don't want to look like some casual girl." I said. I unlocked the door. Emily and Ross came into my apartment with me. My keys and purse went onto the table.

"This is a beautiful place." Ross said.

"Thank you." I said.

"Who decorated it?" Ross asked.

"My step mom did." I said.

"Something cute but casual and comfy." Emily said, looking through my closet.

"What happened to your mom?" Ross asked.

"She passed away when I was four." I said.

"I am so sorry." Ross said.

"It is okay." I said.

"Try this on." Emily said.

I put on the skirt and cute shirt. My stomach showed but it was fine. I slipped on my heels that wasn't too high. Emily touched up my makeup for me as I made sure my hair was fine. Emily put a white head band in my hair. We walked out of my room. "You look nice." Ross said as I smiled. We walked over to Monica's apartment. I walked in as all eyes landed on me.

"Now Isabella where did you live before?" Rachel asked.

"California but originally from New York." I said.

"Well any girl looking like that is a star." Monica said.

"Guys Isabella is kind of like a star." Phoebe said.

"How so?" Emily asked.

"She use to be a model and then she song in some bands." Phoebe said.

"You were a model?" Joey asked.

"Yes I was. But I got tired of it and wanted a fresh start." I said.

"We all have to behave because this Nick guy is coming." Chandler said.

"Well a lot of people are coming." Monica said.

"Is Janice?" Ross asked.

"Janice?" I asked.

"Oh you will love her." Rachel said.

People starting to come over to Monica's apartment. Someone knocked on the door as I was pouring myself a cup of wine. Monica opened the door and looked at Nick. "You must be Nick." Monica said. I smiled and walked over to the door.

"Hey!" I said with a smile.

"Wow you are looking stunning." Nick said.

"Thank you." I said.

"I am Monica." Monica said.

"This seems like an amazing party." Nick said.

"Come on you have to meet my friends." I said, taking Nick's hand.

We walked into the room. Phoebe and the others walked over to us.

"This is Phoebe who is my good friend and also pregnant." I said.

"Well hello." Phoebe said.

"This is Chandler and Janice." I said.

"It is so nice to meet you both." Janice said with the most annoying laugh,

"Then we have Joey and Rachel." I said.

"Hi." Joey said.

"Then Ross and Emily." I said.

"It is nice to meet you all." Nick said.

After a few hours past. We all pretty much talk and I was beyond drunk. Nick was by my side the whole time. "I wanna go to bed but I am too drunk." I said, dancing around on the table. As I could hear Monica telling me to get off. Nick chuckled and grabbed my purse for me. "Come on." Nick said. I took his hand and we walk to my apartment. I kept stumbling the whole time. Even though it wasn't a long walk to my apartment, it felt like we were walking forever. Nick took me to my room as I laid down on the bed.

"Thank you for taking me home." I said with a smile.

"No problem." Nick said, putting a trash can next to my bed.

"You are such an amazing guy." I said.

"I will not leave a drunk girl alone." Nick said, taking off my heels.

"Maybe we can go on a date sometime." I said, taking off the head band.

"That sounds amazing." Nick said.

"You are really pretty." I said.

"Goodnight Isabella." Nick said, kissing my forehead.

The last thing I remember was Nick covering me up and leaving the apartment. After that I passed out.

word count : 1154

Long Time No See | FRIENDSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang