monday makes me sad|| 5.

Start from the beginning

"wait what? m-me? plus a g-guy? NOoooOoooO," i said with my voice cracking at the end.

"your father seen you walking with a guy in the park and giving him your hoodie." she said

"she is right, seen it with my own to eyes, fag." my "father" spat out.

"he's not even my father!" i complain.

"i want you out by the end of today." my step dad hissed.

"b-bu-" i was cut off by a hard slap on the face. everything was going black, like a darker version of the clouds when me and albert were at the park.

-time skippity skoopity brought to you by my father who said go to sleep, it's midnight."

i come back to reality realizing i'm at school, i must've basically autopiloted. i rub my hands on my face, where the stinging still was.

-tim scoop, brought to you by my cat who just came out of the liter box-

(albert's pov)

the 2nd to last bell of the day had just rang, meaning study hall where i could see jake.

i quickly grab my few books and my binder and head upstairs ,to the library, trying to catch where jake was. i spot him across the hall. i wave. he walks over. "helllloooooo," i say dragging the L because i was excited.

"hi albert," he said trying to sound energetic but failing.

"whats wrong?" i asked with a small frown forming "did i do something wrong?" i said ,my anxiety getting the best of me.

"no no, shh. you did nothing wrong. but i dont feel comfortable talking about it here." jake said.

"oh ok- wait! what's that on your face?" i ask touching it.

"its nothing, but on a unrelated note, can i stay at your place for a few days or weeks." he asks rubbing the back of his neck with one of his adorable side smiles he does when he is nervous.

"oh sure! my mom and dad won't mind! they love having guest, maybe we could pick up where we were last time" i replied smirking.

"great great," he said not very into it.

we chose a table in the library and start doing our work.

-time warpo-

i stand up. "bye jake! meet me outside at the flag pole!" i say waving and jumping

"sure thing princess" he mouthes.

i walk down the stairs to my very own, old, locker.

i have all my things packed. i take my special way to the front when and i pulled from the crowed hallway outside from an exit.

i am to scared to see who it is.

i am forced around, my body frozen with fear.

"so we heard you talked shit about lana.. it's time for you to take back all those words." one of the girls says.

"wha-" i am cut off when i am thrown down on the ground and kicked.

"ow!" i cry out.

"fag!" they shout taking turns beating me up in every way.

the kicking and punching continues until they feel like fucking leaving me.

i curl up next to the brick wall in a ball and start quietly crying, hoping, somebody will find me and help me. hopefully him.

(prince's(jake's) POV)

i look at my phone, its been 15 minutes since the end of school. i start worrying.
maybe he's hurt or kidnapped.

my mind takes the best of me.

"calm down jake. he probably just forgot and walked home another way."

but i get a bad feeling. it's not him walking home, he's definitely hurt.

i run around the school, my breath shakey.

"albert!" i call out.

i keep running until i see a small boy curled up with bruises everywhere. my heart breaks and i feel that painful chest crushing feeling of tears building suddenly.

"albert baby!" i call out.

i run up to him and squat down to his level.

"are you ok?" i ask

"no jakey" he says with a tremble in his voice.


ima leave ya like that.

but updates tomorrow! so tune in!

also sorry for leaving you with that small break, i had writters block.

super sorry,

( W O R D C O U N T : 1193)

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