Chapter 3~ party or movie night?

Start from the beginning


"You're really not going?" Macy poured as we sat on my bed in my room. We had just gotten home from school.

"No sorry" I told her.

"What are you gonna do then?" She asked me curiously. I shrugged.

"I'll probably go to the guys' hotel and chill there" I told her.

"With Emery" she smirked.

"Well his hotel is in the same place so" I laughed.

"Apparently hannah Branden is going to the party so I'll just hang out with her" she told me.

"Okay good, now you go have fun tonight" I told her.

"I will" she grinned standing up. We said goodbye and she left my house to go back to hers and get ready for the party.

I got changed into some more comfortable clothes and threw my hair up in a messy bun. I topped up my make up a little bit and grabbed my phone before walking downstairs.

"Where are you going?" Ryan asked as he emerged from the kitchen.

"I'm gonna go hang out with the guys" I told him.

"Is macy going?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I can't let you go if you're alone with the boys" he told me.

"Okay one, you're my brother not my mother so just because mom is at work it doesn't give you a right to tell me what to do, and two, yes she is going" I lied and grabbed my car keys off the side before leaving as quickly as I could.

I got in my car and began to drive to the boys' hotel. I arrived there within ten minutes and parked in the parking lot.

I made my way inside the lobby and headed towards the elevator. Getting inside, I clicked the 8th floor and waited patiently as it started it move upwards. A few seconds later the doors opened to the 8th floor and I left the elevator. I walked down the corridor until I was outside the boys' hotel room door.

I knocked a few times and waited patiently until the door opened to reveal a very tired looking emery.

"Oh it's you" he said and opened the door wider for me to come inside.

"Great to see you too" I told him sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

"Sorry, you woke me up from my nap" he chuckled a little.

"It's fine" I laughed.

"Hey Ricky" I said to the boy as he came out of his room. Liam was nowhere to be seen yet but Ricky and Emery both looked tired.

"Hey, no macy?" He asked confused. I shook my head.

"No we got invited to a party but I didn't wanna go and she did so she's getting ready for that" I explained.

"Fair enough" he nodded and headed towards the kitchen. I sat on the sofa and turned on the TV. Emery sat down beside me and flopped his head on my lap.

"How are you still tired?!" I laughed as I watched him close his eyes.

"I just am" he muttered. I rolled my eyes and put friends on.

"Hey Cindy" Liam's voice said. I turned my head to see him heading out of his room with a smile on his face.

"Oh, hey Liam" I grinned. He also asked about macy and I explained where she was to him as well.

"How long will you be here for?" Ricky asked curiously and sat down on the chair next to the sofa.

"Whenever, its ditch day tomorrow so it's not a school night" I told him.

"We should have a movie night then" Liam suggested and sat down in the other chair.

"I'm down for that" I agreed.

"Me too"

"Order pizza!" Emery muttered.

"We will when you decide to wake up" I told the boy.

His head shot up and he straightened himself beside me.

"I'm suddenly feeling very awake" he told me. I laughed at him and shook my head. He rested his arm behind the couch so that it was basically behind my back.

"What pizzas do y'all want?" Ricky asked as he pulled out his phone.

"Pepperoni" I told him.

"Usual" Liam and Emery said at the same time.

Ricky went to his room to order the pizza but was only a few minutes. He came back and sat down in his original seat.

"So I hear you guys have a show tomorrow?" I asked them. They nodded.

"Yeah, it's gonna be so good" Liam said excitedly. I smiled.

"Macy played one of your songs in the car this morning, it was very good" I told them.

"What song?" Emery asked.

"Umm, I think it was called compass?" I said.

"Yeah that's one of our favourites" he smirked.

We waited for pizza to arrive and ended up watching a few movies for the rest of the evening. After that, everything became a blur.

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