Chapter Two

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Sarah walked through the door to the coffee house 15 minutes after getting off of the phone with Ryan, hoping to get there early and gather her thoughts before he arrived. However she caught sight of Ryan sitting there, with his damned wide grin, with Sarah's favourite coffee in front of him, and rolled her eyes as she approached.

"I said 20 minutes Ryan" Sarah chastised as she pulled the hot drink towards her. "Well, I'm keen to talk to you and catch up! Besides, you're here early too" Ryan replied, leaning back with his arms crossed, "so what brings you here to Vancouver?" She sighed deeply: "Honestly, work has dried up for me a little. I needed a couple of weeks to clear my head, call a couple of studios, that sort of thing."

Ryan leaned forward and gently grasped Sarah's hand. "Look, I know you don't want to take a job from me. But we need an up-and-coming costume designer for this movie. Besides, it means you get to see me semi-naked on a daily basis. What's not to like?!" Sarah snorted as she took a sip of coffee with her free hand.

"I just don't know Ryan. I wanted to do this on my own. Handouts have never been my style. I want to work for my achievements". Ryan withdrew his hand and sighed- "I'm one of the leads on this movie. Both behind and in front of the camera. I've looked at your portfolio, I know your work ethic and you are always 100% dedicated to every project you work on. I'm not asking you as a friend, I'm asking you as someone that appreciates your work and wants your talent on this project. Please come to the meeting. Besides, I have someone on board I think you'd like to meet!"

Sarah looked up at the last comment. "Who on earth have you gotten on board?"

"It's not important now, just come to the meeting and you'll see. You won't regret it, I promise. Look, I have to go and meet Blake for dinner. Please think about it." Ryan stood up and kissed Sarah's head as he paid the bill and went to leave the coffee house. "RYAN. WHEN IS THE MEETING?!" "Tomorrow afternoon my chicken! You have until then. I won't hassle you anymore" Ryan called as he walked out the door.

Sarah slumped over the table with a groan.

Ugh. I know he's trying to help me. God knows I need the work. I need to think about this. Deadpool 2 is a major movie to work on, would be my biggest yet. Maybe I should just go to this meeting and scope it out. I need to think about this.

Sarah looked up from her position to see the waitress standing by her table. "Are you okay darling? Would you like another coffee?" "I'm good thanks. I need to get going. I have alot of work to do." Gathering her things, Sarah jumped up and left, needing to pick up some things from her room before she heads out to find somewhere she can work.
After heading back to pick up her sketch pad and pencils, Sarah set out to find somewhere to sketch out her thoughts. As a designer, Sarah was forever cooped up in small rooms scribbling away designs and working out her frustrations.

After walking for nearly an hour, she stopped at the entrance to Queen Elizabeth Park. Ryan had always told her it was an amazing spot to take his children and a good place to clear his head.

Sarah settled on a ledge next to the fountains, and set her pencils out. She knew a fair amount about the Marvel universe, and began doodling her visions of the characters.

First, she sketched out Deadpool's standard design. Next, her vision for Domino made it onto the paper. Sarah had always imagined Domino with afro hair. It added to her sassy image. After sketching other characters like Lady Death, Colossus, Black Cat and Mysterio, she felt like she was on a roll. However, when Sarah attempted to sketch Cable, she hit a mental block. When sketching characters and designs, Sarah always had an actor in mind and designed the costume around the actor. But she wasn't sure as to who they could possibly choose to play Cable.

After racking her brain, she decided to use Josh Brolin as an inspiration. Even though he wasn't who people would associate with the character due to his height and body shape, Sarah believed he would be an awesome for for the role. Hell, she had even campaigned for Ryan to audition him, but Ryan brushed it off as her being a Goonies fangirl.

Scribbling away, Sarah's vision of Cable finally began to take shape. Straying away from typical depictions of the character, Sarah steered away from the bright, somewhat garish image from the comics, and instead depicted him in more dull, mercenary colours. She included the scar running over his eye, and obviously included the metal arm, as they were staples of his character. Once she had added a few more touches, her sketch was finished.

Sarah sat back and looked at her work. She could envision these characters making it on to the screen. In that moment, Sarah had made her decision. She needed to do her best to bring these sketches to life.

Reaching into her pocket for her phone, she went to text Ryan and tell him to pick her up tomorrow. Instead, her eyes widened as she registered the time- SHIT. I HAVE BEEN HERE FOR THREE HOURS. Shoving her pencils back into her bag, she scooped up her pad and ran to the taxi station, asking them to take her back to the hotel. Sarah needed a good rest for the meeting tomorrow.

As yet untitled -Josh Brolin x Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now