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-Diane POV-

"Come on darling,Your gonna miss your flight!"Shouted my mom from the kitchen.

"I'm coming !I'm coming! Tell Pique to put my luggage in the car please." I said while basically running down the stairs

I'm Leaving for Barca for a few days to go check out some houses. I've always wanted to visit Barca since I was a little girl,but I was born in Sao Paulo, Brasil.

"Your bags and everything are in the car,hurry! You have exactly 1 hour till your flight leaves!" Yelled my mom

I ran down stairs to kiss my mom and dad Bye before leaving them for awhile

"Bye Mom,I'll be back soon! Don't worry about me,ill be fine and I'll call everyday! I promise ." I leaned in to hug and kiss her

"Just be careful out there stay safe" said my dad who was tearing up from seeing his little girl go.

I Hugged him Bye too and kissed him

"I'll be fine daddy ! I'll be staying with Pique for the first few weeks."

I waved Good Bye an I headed out the door towards the car,which Pique is driving.

"Are you excited?" Asked Pique

"Duh!When we get there I gotta meet the team!"

"Don't worry I'll introduce you to all the players,in fact a new player just join a couple of days ago.His name is Neymar."

"I'll remember that" I said as we drove into the highway to the airport.

~At the airport~

"Call or text me when you land,ill be on the next flight !" Pique said with a smile

"I Will don't worry " I said ,and I leaned in to hug him Bye as I boarded my Plane

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