chapter 15 - Phases

Start from the beginning

"Excuse me?" Cordelia asked. "We didn't come here to talk about them. We came here to do things I can never tell my father about because he still thinks I'm a good girl."

"I'm just saying, everyone we care about is in danger," Xander told her. "Because of Spike, Drusilla, Bianca, Angel. Brooke, Alice, Carmen, Brady and Wyatt are in more danger than Willow, Buffy, Eric, Zoey, Giles, Layla and I are, but Angel still went to plenty of lengths to make Zoey and Layla suffer already by killing their uncle."

"Do you even wanna be here?" Cordelia asked.

"I'm not running away," Xander replied.

"Because when you're not babbling about everyone being in dangerous, you're raving about how all-powerful they are," Cordelia told him.

"I do not babble," Xander told her. "I occasionally run on, every now and then I yammer."

"Xander?" Cordelia asked.

"Yeah?" Xander asked.

"Look around," Cordelia told him. "We're in my daddy's car, it's just the two of us, there is a beautiful, big full moon outside tonight. It doesn't get more romantic than this, so shut up."

They started to make out again.


The camera pulled away from the car, into the bushes until a large, hairy beast (a werewolf) came into view, watching them, growling menacingly.

 Slayers and Guardians ∞

Cordelia's Car

Cordelia and Xander were still making out, pulling away when Xander heard something outside.

"Did you hear that?" Xander asked.

"What is it now?" Cordelia asked.

"I thought I heard something," Xander answered.

"Are the others sending out some sorta distress signal that only you can hear?" Cordelia asked sarcastically.

Xander smiled sheepishly. They went back to making out.

Xander heard something outside, louder this time, pulling away. "Okay, now I know I heard something."

Cordelia rolled her eyes. "All right, that's it, you know, your mind hasn't been here all night, so how about I just drop you off--"

A hairy arm with a clawed hand punched through the convertible top. Cordelia screamed, making a grab for the keys.

"Get us outta here!" Xander told her.

The werewolf on the roof of the car snarled as it reached around for them inside. The kids weren't in the ignition.

Cordelia frantically searched for them on the floor. "Where are the keys?"

"We should be moving, let's go," Xander told her.

Cordelia found the keys. "Oh, I got 'em, got 'em."

Cordelia fumbled with the keys, managing to get them into the ignition, starting the car, putting it in reverse, screaming as she gunned the car backward a ways, slamming on the brakes, making the werewolf tumble off of the back and into a tree. Cordelia got the car in drive, speeding away.

Slayers and Guardians Book Two (Worlds Colliding Buffy the Vampire Slayer)Where stories live. Discover now