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Stiles studied his reflection in the mirror, at seventeen he was just beginning to fill his frame. Admittedly he was still a bit lanky and uncoordinated. But his shoulders were broader, his body was more lean than thin and there was definite muscle mass there. He'd run his hands through his brown hair so often that it was sticking up in every direction. His skin was paler than it had ever been before, usually because most of his activities left him running around at night and sleeping all day. There were dark circles under his eyes showing that he wasn't sleeping nearly as much as he needed to, the haunted look in his usually bright whisky eyes reflected that. But when he slept there were always nightmares.

It was easier now his dad knew about the supernatural, he didn't need to sneak around so much and that definitely made it simpler. But then there were days like this. It was Saturday afternoon and they'd been out late last night fighting off a witch. Stiles wasn't even sure how it had happened, one minute he'd been running away, at a very impressive speed if you were a human, and then he'd slipped and started to fall. Derek had caught him by the scruff of the neck, keeping him on his feet, except his claws had been out and he'd cut into the back of Stiles' neck.

Stiles didn't need werewolf senses to know that Derek felt guilty, he didn't need to feel guilty about anything, he'd saved Stiles from probably falling and breaking a leg. Instead Stiles felt guilty because Derek was feeling guilty. He was feeling weak and useless and generally no help at all. He knew it was probably all in his head, he hoped the rest of the pack didn't feel that way, but he was never sure.

His dad had left for a shift an hour or so before and Stiles was sat at home, brooding slightly over the fact that he was injured once again and everyone else would probably be healed by now. At least it was his plan that meant they'd got the witch. At least he could rationalize that he was useful to the pack in some way.

His phone started vibrating on his desk and he turned away from the mirror to grab it, he glanced once at the caller ID and saw it was Scott. As soon as Stiles answered the call he knew it was a pocket dial. He sighed heavily, how could a werewolf not hear when he was pocket dialling someone? Stiles was about to hang up when he heard other voices and very quickly put his end on mute. He wasn't sure why he did it, if anyone asked him later why he wouldn't have been able to give them a straight answer, or hell, any answer at all. Just some tiny part of him said to mute it and listen to the conversation.

"Alright Hale, we're all here. What's so important?" His dad said and Stiles gasped slightly, why was his dad with the pack when he wasn't? He stood up, ready to head over to the loft right now when the next words cut him dead.

"I called a meeting about Stiles. I thought you'd want to be here." Derek said stiffly.

"Where is Stiles?" Scott asked, "Surely if this meeting is about him he should be here." Stiles heard half the room sigh heavily but it was Erica who spoke up.

"Derek wants to talk to us about Stiles. Then he's going to talk to Stiles once we've decided a few things."

"A few things like what?" Lydia said suspiciously and Stiles nodded in agreement, perching on the edge of his chair and gazing at the phone as if he could actually see them sat in the room.

"Stiles got hurt again last night." Derek said firmly, "Which I take full responsibility for. But, I wanted to talk to you all and discuss the idea of Stiles not coming out with us anymore."

Stiles swallowed heavily, the only reason Derek was discussing this and not just roaring out an order was because Stiles had persuaded him to be more open with communication. And this was how he was using it? To kick Stiles out of the pack!? Stiles had tried to offer advice to Derek so many times, to have weekly pack nights, to be more comfortable with touching members of the pack, to opening up and expressing his emotions. Obviously Derek had shot all those ideas down and now he knew why. Because Derek didn't want him around.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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