Chapter One

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     A boy, no older than 19, groaned silently as he slowly raised his head from his desk, a long, red indention across his forehead from the extended length of time that his head had been laying on the desk. 

     "If you keep falling asleep in class like this, you're sure to fail. Besides Nate, you're absolutely horrible at math." a boy, with hair as orange as a campfire, said, barely able to hold back his laughter.  Nate sighed as he ran his fingers through his raven black hair, his eyes blinking in rapid succession as he tried to adjust to the light in the room. 

     "Shut up Ember, you're no better at it." Nate said as he gently rubbed his eyes. Ember chuckled softly and glanced over to the clock, a wide grin growing on his face. 

     "You ready for tonight?" he said, a hint of excitement in his voice as he kept glancing at the clock. 

     "For what? Another one of your parties that I'm just going to be sitting in the corner, drinking water like the little wallflower I am?" Nate said as he held his head, a migraine slowly starting to build in his head. 

     "Well my little, sleep deprived friend, this time you won't be the wallflower. I'm inviting the girl that you can't keep your eyes off of." the flame haired boy said as he put his hand on Nate's shoulder, a soft smile on his face. "Besides, you can't exactly just stare at her for your entire life."

     "That, my stoner friend, is where you're wrong. I don't see anything wrong with just watching her from a distance." Nate said as he put his head into his hands, the migraine becoming nigh impossible to ignore. Before Ember had a chance to say another word, the bell screamed with a loud ring, causing Nate to wince in pain, his grip tightening on his head. Ember slowly stood and held his hand down towards Nate, a gentle smile on his face. 

     "Let's get you to the nurse's office. That headache seems like it's killing you." he said as he took Nate's hand, helping the weak boy to his feet. As they ventured down the hallway, Ember took in the scene. Rows upon rows of lockers lined the halls, some the standard grey, while others were painted pink and purple which was the school's colors. Along the trim near the ceiling was banners with the school's mascot as well as art projects that the other students had worked on. Some of them were trees with their leaves pilled at the trunk as snow covered the nearby houses, while others were just simple leaves that were a conglomerate of different colors with white glitter thrown on the paper. 

     "Jeez...I swear that some of these people are completely unoriginal when it comes to this whole art thing." Nate said in a whisper, trying not to make his migraine any worse. Ember chuckled and nodded as he stared at the walls.

     "It's hard to believe that after tomorrow, we won't be here for a month." Ember said as he used his free hand to run his fingers through his hair. "I know that I say that I hate this place all the time, but I really don't want to leave. That's weird, isn't it?"

     "Not really...Seeing as you spend the majority of your time either hanging out with the jocks of this place or helping me to the nurses office. I can see how you'd love this place." Nate whispered as he stumbled slightly.

    "Yeah, I know what you mean. Dragging your ass down the hall to the nurse's office has got to be in my top three things that I'll miss." Ember laughed as he helped him into seat of the nurse's office. The inside of the office was a soft white, almost cream, the walls covered in posters of the human body and other medical objects. The front of the door was adorned with the red cross, clearly standing out on the dark oak door. In the room sat a woman with long, brown hair, her eyes fixed on the computer screen.

     "Ah, I see you're back Nate. Did you fall asleep in class again?" she asked, brushing her hair out of her face to reveal her emerald green eyes. Nate only nodded as his grip on his head tightened, his nails almost digging into his scalp. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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