Chapter 2~ awkward encounter

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Cindy's POV
Next day
Saturday, October 29th 2016

"Thanks Kathy" I grinned at the older woman as she placed my plate of pancakes in front of me. She gave everyone else their food before walking away.

"Why am I awake" macy grumbled as she rested her head on her hand whilst she had a bite of her hash brown.

We all laughed at her and I spoke up.

"Maybe you shouldn't have drank so much last night then" I teased her. She rolled her eyes.

"At one point you were literally clinging on to Emery" Liam laughed.

"I apologise" she laughed as she looked at the brunette boy sat beside me.

"Nah it's cool" Emery shrugged.

"So how long are you guys in town for?" Macy asked the guys curiously.

"Only a week" Ricky answered.

"What seriously? That's not even enough time to hang out with you all" I grumbled and pouted as I looked at my plate of food.

"Awe have we already made an impression on you" Emery teased me with a grin as he bumped my shoulder.

"Yeah, she's known us only 14 hours and can't get enough of us" Liam laughed.

I rolled my eyes.

"Actually, I've known Ricky since I was 3 and I was more the less wanting to spend time with him before you leave" I half lied. It was half a lie because I did want to spend time with Ricky before he left but I did want to hang out with Emery and Liam as well.

"Yeah sure, keep telling yourself that" Emery sarcastically replied, this time earning a nudge in the rib from me.


"Okay, so because we woke up so early what do we do now?" Macy asked as the five of us walked down the streets of Texas. I shrugged.

"Enjoy the fresh air" I told her.

"Appreciate the town you live in" Ricky spoke.

"Take in your surroundings" Liam chipped in.

"Get over your hangoverrrr" Emery said as he dragged out the last word. I laughed a little at the boy beside me but continued to walk without saying another word.

"You guys wanna come back to our hotel and chill there for a couple of hours then we can go to the mall or something?" Ricky suggested.

"Yeah sure" macy agreed on behalf of the two of us. We all made our way to the boys' hotel and headed up to their room on the 8th floor.

"This place is huge" I gawped as I looked around the place we had just walked into.

"I know right" Liam grinned as he put the key card on the counter which separated the kitchen from the living room area.

"My rooms in there, Emery's is there, and Liam's is there" Ricky stayed whilst pointing to three different doors on the left wall of the room.

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