Trying to make friends

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"Wh-Who are you?"I asked and made my sister go behind me.The figure was dark and I couldn't make out the face but I saw it grin.

"What's wrong greaser?Never met a Soc before.

"Run"I whispered to Cata

"But-"She whispered

"Run and take shelter!"I said firmly.

"No"She said.I sighed.Cata is stubborn and disobedient and she wouldn't listen to me.The dark figure walked closer.

"I-I have a blade"I sturted.The figure smiled at me again.

"I have a group!"He said",GET 'EM RANDY!"

I screamed and kicked but they grabbed my sister and held me back as I struggled.Every time I struggled,they punched or kicked me.

"HELP!"I screamed but it started to feel pointless.

"LEAVE THEM ALONE!"Someone screamed.I sighed.

"Well...well..well...If it isn't Curtis...Sodapop Curtis"The figure said.

"Oh you remember me,ha Bob?"I said

"Get hi-"Bob started

"I don't think so"Sodapop said and punched him.Then he kicked the people holding me and cut the ones holding my sister.

"FOLLOW ME!"he yelled as I ran behind him.He ran into a house

"Come on!"he said as he ran into an old house.

"Now,what is a young girl your guys' age doing walking by your lonesome?"he asked.I wasn't sure to trust him,I have a bit of an issue on that.Trust,I mean.

"We lost"I lied.

"Oh,so what do you parents look like?"He asked.

"Jenny!We can trust him,he saved us!"She said.I looked at her like she was crazy.

"I don't know Cata"I said.Sodapop looked at us confused.I sighed.

"Okay,okay we didn't get lost w-"I started.

"We ran away."Cata finished.

Sodapop looked at us.

"Why?You should be grateful you have parents!"He snapped.I looked at him.

"You can't just assume we have parents!"I say defensively.

"What...?"He asked

"We where in an orphanage and it was torture."I said quitly.

" don't have parents?"he asked.

"No"I said and looked up at his face.He was beutiful.He had movie star looks.

"I'm sorry for snapping,my parents died not too long ago."He said and looked down on the ground.

"It's okay,what's your name Star looks?"I asked even though I already knew.

"Sodapop,Sodapop Curtis"He declared.",but my friends call me Soda,so that means you two can call me Soda"he smiled.

"Sodapop,that's a real original name Mr.Movie star."I said,making him and someone else too.

"Our dad was a real original man"said a boy around my age said and walked in.

"Ponyboy,go back to bed!''Soda said.I laughed.They both looked at me weirdly.

"Cata's the same way!"I said.Cata blushed.

"So you two have no where to stay?"Soda asked.

"Nope,just walking wherever our feet take us"Cata said.

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