Chapter One: Recruiting

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Ever continued looked at the tall red-haired guy in front of her curiously.

“So you want me to work for you?” She asked. Xavier nodded, looking down at his black combat boots.  

“There’s a dangerous man planning on taking over the world and you’re one of the most talented fighters I have ever seen.” He said, looking at her. Ever chuckled and sat on her kitchen counter, swinging her legs in boredom.

“So you decide to wake me up and tell me all this at 4:00 in the morning?” She asked, raising her eyebrow and glancing over at Xavier. Xavier bit his lip to hide the small grin growing on his face.

 “Fine, I’ll do it.” She smirked.

 “Under one condition.” She said. Xavier frowned; he had never had anyone be this playful with him when it comes to the agency.

 “After all this is done I want something in return.” She jumped off the counter and ran her fingers through her pure white hair.

 “Lock the door.” She said before simply walking back to her room.


“And why are you asking me to do this?” Avian asked, crossing her arms. Xavier sighed and rolled his eyes at her obnoxious attitude.

 “You’re a great fighter and we need someone like you on our team if we want to defeat Xianin for good.” He explained, tapping his foot on the clean carpet floor beneath him. Avian nodded and shrugged.

 “Sure.” She said, playing with her silky black hair. Xavier stood up quickly and headed towards her door.

 “Well then I’ll be by here tomorrow so be ready.” He said.


“Will there be hot chicks on this team of yours?” Irez asked, smirking. Xavier rolled his eyes and leaned back into the chair he was sitting in.

 “There’s only two girl on the team and they’re both aren’t very good with people.” He said, crossing his arms. Irez sighed, standing up and wiping the imaginary dust from his black skinny jeans.

 “Whatever, I’ll do it I guess.” Irez said, looking down at Xavier. He nodded and stood up also, rubbing his tired eyes. 

“The meeting is tomorrow, I’ll see you there?” Xavier asked, looking at him. Irez nodded and smiled before he left quickly.

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