Simon's Vow

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Simon's POV

Simon stood before the great Maellartach, the soul-sword as he swore the eternal oaths. Consul Penhallow gazed at him with the shining Mortal Cup in her hands, she asked,

" Will you, Simon Lewis swear to protect the human race with your life forever till your death?"

Simon thought of the days he spent in the Shadowhunter Academy learning about the Ascension. Ascension is very dangerous, is you're not skilled and strong enough, you'd be killed the moment you drink from the mortal cup. He could remember the horrors they went through during the war with Valentine and Sebastian. The more he learned the history, the more he found himself fascinated by this race of Angel blood. He did not count himself as brave, but he already made his mind.

"I swear." He said with definance.

"Then drink." She handed the cup to Simon.

Simon stole a look at his shadowhunter friends, Clary smiled at him with confidence, and Isabelle was watching with a worried expression. It was very dangerous, he knew, but he was not backing down in the last second.

He took the cup and drank. The blood was salty, but unlike the demon blood he remembered drinking from Sebastion. Anytime now, he thought.

Simon felt a light nausea as he lifted the grail from his lips. He witnessed everyone's smiling faces and Clary running up to him and hugging him. The blood strengthened himself, he welcomed the Angel blood in his veins. He felt new, and himself.


Simon was lying in his bed in a room in the New York Institute. He was thinking of the last thing that completed his Ascension, his new last name. It has to be a Shadowhunter last name. Clary offered Fairchild, Alec offered Lightwood, and to his surprise, Jace offered Herondale. The council gave him one day to decide, and it was a hard choice. Maybe, he thought, he'd choose another name, an ancient name that belonged to himself. With that thought, he drifted to sleep.



I'm so sorry for updating so late, but you ought to know that I'm a very lazy person, and with summer school and all that. But to the point, I'm having a hard time selecting Simon's last name. I'd love suggestions from you guys. I'm thinking of Branwell currently. I
don't think Henry had any relatives.

So what do you think? Good, okay, bad? Please vote and comment and let me know.

I have a question and I will dedicate the first person to answer correctly in the next chapter:

"Who handed the mortal cup for Sophie(TID)to drink on her Ascension?"

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