Why this is not a Diary:

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This is not technically a chapter just reasons why it's not a diary but it is written on the same day as the last book

So the reasons why this is not a diary :

1. I'm not really talking about stuff that is is a diary, really, just kind of bored at school with thoughts surrounding my mind that i want to write down, cause personally I have a extreme problem of ranting on about stuff in school projects that don't need to be there so I shall write them stupid thoughts in here.

2. I named it school thoughts, I will be writing high school thoughts when I get to high school. Though that will be written on my phone during break because I don't know how much free time we have at  high school lol.

3. The word diary would be in the tags if so. And lacking meme's on the cover and stuff.

4. A diary would be boring because I have no interesting events happening in life.

5. I have already tried a diary online and I don't like the idea of sharing all my diary worth stuff there.

6. I have not diary stuff worth I can barely keep a journal/diary every time i tried.

7. There would be more a topic for each one if this a diary this is to entertain  myself when I"m bored as much as the people who actually read this because IDC if they do or not it kind of gets all the thoughts and jokes I want to tell out of my head .

8. Only writing at this during school and talking about the stuff around me or what i just finished and have free time after more than my emotions.

9. I stop writing during the summer where in a diary you would write more during that time but I just stop then start in September about stupid stuff lol.

10. Me personally  would put much more  grammar if this was a diary when this doesn't even have like proper sentences/ paragraphs

 11. I do not re read anything I put in here unlike my real books because I mess stuff up alot

Das it until next time bOIS


Random School thoughts. (WARNING: NOT A DIARY)Where stories live. Discover now