19 | temporary happiness

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"See you later," Lawrence shut the door behind him.


"I still don't understand why you're having me close my eyes if I already know we're going ice skating," Adam complained for about the hundredth time.

"Just shut up and go along with it," Lawrence joked. "You don't know where we're going."

"You're right. I don't know, because I don't know of any rink open at this time."

"Just trust me."

"Mkay. Whatever you say babe," Adam gave up.

Lawrence put his car into gear and walked around, opening the door for Adam.

"Oh, so chivalry's not dead," Adam teased with one hand still covering his eyes.

"Come here, you." Lawrence grabbed Adam's free hand and led him gently out of the car and down the street.

"Be careful," Lawrence warned, squeezing Adam's hand tighter as they made their way down towards the rink. Once they were both standing by the wall around the ice, Larry turned Adam to face the direction he wanted him, then yelled excitedly. "Okay, open your eyes!"

Adam removed his hand a blinked at the bright lights in front of him. Once his vision cleared, his jaw dropped at the beautiful Christmas tree the size of a house in front of him. The lights lit up the entire street and reflected off of the empty ice rink in the night.

"Rockefeller," Adam whispered to himself in disbelief. Turning around, he jumped on Lawrence into a hug and spoke louder. "You brought me to Rockefeller?"

Adam backed up and blinked a few times as if to test whether he was dreaming. "Okay, wait" Adam put his hands up. "The place is closed. Isn't this illegal or something?"

"I may have paid a little someone off," Lawrence spoke slyly while snaking his arms around Adam's waist.

Adam had never been to Rockefeller, as he was always too poor and his parents didn't care enough anyway.

He'd never even been skating.

The famous rink, shown in television and film as constantly full, was now completely vacant. In a way it was kind of eerie.

Surreal but romantic.

Adam pushed Lawrence's chest playfully. "Lawrence Gordon, you fucking hopeless romantic." Adam stood on his tip-toes and grabbed the collar of Lawrence's coat, pulling him down for a deep kiss.

"Here," Lawrence spoke after they broke apart. "Put these on," he shoved a pair of skates against Adam's chest and moved away to put on his own.

By the time Adam was done lacing his ice skates, Lawrence was already on the rink. Adam watched as he glided with ease from one end to the other. He went back and forth so smoothly. Adam found it to be cute—sexy even.

"Hey! You coming or what?" Lawrence shouted as he zoomed past Adam for the tenth time.

Adam shook his head, just realizing that he had been staring for so long. "Yeah! Hold on!" Adam yelled back. He looked down at his feet and he stepped onto the ice. His legs felt flimsy as he gripped at the wall and struggled to make the first push.

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