Chapter 13

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"Why the hell did you do that, Kol!" Artemis yelled at Kol as they both stood beside his car.

After witnessing the Mikaelson brother compel Damon to kill Jeremy Gilbert, Kol grabbed Artemis and sped her away from the scene before anything else could happen.

"I don't want them to get the cure, that is all, love." He answered and Artemis sighed, pushing herself off of leaning on Kol's car.

She began to walk away, once to have Kol grab her by the hand and pull her back. She stared up at him, into his dark brown eyes. It was quiet between the two of them for a long while and Artemis tried her hardest to not show that she felt something at that moment, "Do you honestly feel nothing at all?" He asked her quietly, still staring into her eyes.

Artemis shook her head slowly, "Nothing at all." She replied in a voice just above a whisper.

Kol let out a small laugh, "You see, I don't believe that one bit. I think you've secretly fallen for my charms, just like you did five centuries ago."

Artemis smiled, shaking her head, "Nope." she argued, popping the 'p' as she did so.

"Yes." He argued back, nodding his head.

Just as she was about to argue back once more, Artemis's phone started to ring. Without checking who was calling, Artemis presses the green answer button and placed the phone to her ear, "Hello?"

"It's me, Elena. I need your help. Come to my house ASAP, please." Elena said on the other end of the phone, confusing Artemis deeply.

"Okay? Be there soon." Artemis answered before hanging up the phone, "I have to go." She told Kol before she began to walk off.


After declining the offer Elena gave on killing Kol, Artemis found herself standing in the woods, shooting arrows at a tree.

"I thought I would have seen you at the Gilbert house. What a shame." A familiar voice spoke up and Artemis immediately recognized it to be Kol Mikaelson, "It was the only reason I actually went there in the first place."

She turned to him to see he had a smirk on his face, "What do you want, Kol?" She asked him, faking being annoyed with him.

"Oh come on, love, you know you love all these unexpected visits." Kol told her, still smirking.

"Okay, so what if I do?" She asked him, a small smile appearing on her lips.

"Well, darling, that would mean that you are starting to or you are already deeply in love with me." He replied just as footsteps around them were heard.

Their smiles were soon turned into concerned looks when the footsteps were heard coming closer, "They're here." Artemis said shocked, "And I think you led them right to me."

Kol looked at her concerned, "Maliya, run. I'll hold them off." He told her and Artemis shook her head.

"No, I'm not leaving. I want to fight, I can protect myself." She shook her head.

Kol sighed, walking closer to her. He cupped her face with his hands as he stared down at her, "I need you to run, okay?" He told her quickly, suddenly pressing a kiss to her lips.

She surprisingly kissed back just before Kol sped towards the people after her.

Artemis glanced around before she sped off in another direction. As she ran, she was suddenly stopped by someone who grabbed her. Before she could even react, the unknown person stabbed her in the stomach and Artemis instantly knew that it was a gold dagger dipped on nightshade by the way it felt when it stepped into her flesh.

She screamed out, blood trickling down her mouth. The person sped off just before Kol arrived, "No!" He shouted, catching the Petrova before she fell into the ground.

Kol knelt to the ground, Artemis in his arms, "You're going to be okay, love, okay? You're going to be okay." He told her, trying to sound sad about this all.

Tears were weld in the girl's brown eyes as she shook her head, "No, no, I'm not, Kol. They found the weapon that could kill me and they used it. Now Alec and I are going to be gone forever," She explained before realizing what she had just said, "Oh, my God. Alec."


At the Salvatore boarding house, Klaus was standing in the living alongside Alec when suddenly, the Petrova boy knelt to the ground, yelling out in pain.

He clutched his stomach, blood seeping through his white t shirt, "Where's my sister!" He shouted out as Klaus looked at him with a face full of concern.

"No, this can't be happening. This can't be happening. You're immortal, you're supposed to live forever. We're supposed to live forever. Together." Kol told Artemis, who shook her head slightly.

"Nothing in the wold is truly immortal, Kol," She replied quietly, coughing up at bit of blood, "But it's okay. It was bound to happen."

Her lips were not stained red from the blood, her eyes a bit droopy.

"Maliya, why are you so okay with this! It's not okay!" Kol shouted on accident, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"Alec and I get to be with our mother again, Kol." She answered quietly, "It's perfect. I got to die in the arms of the person I love most. The person I'll love no matter what."

Kol's eyes widened at the last part of her sentence, "What did you say?" He asked her in a voice just above a whisper.

"I...I love you, Kol Mikaelson. I always have." She said just before her eyes closed fully.

"No, no, no, Maliya! Maliya!" He called out, but got no answer.

Kol Mikaelson had finally got the girl of his dreams, the love of his life, only to have her be ripped away from him for the second time around.

AN: I'm usually really good at writing deaths but this one sucked omg.

Just so you guys know, there's still a few more chapters to go. Like 4x23 (graduation episode) a few of them on the other.

I'm also writing a sequel for this for season 2 of the originals.

Artemis ▻ Kol Mikaelson [1]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum