Heavy rains

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Despite the heavy rain and the now cold temperature, a young hedgehog with orange fur, blue stripes, and dark blue eyes, named Brett came walking by. There was a flash of light followed by the sound of thunder. Immediately following he could hear the cries of a baby. He turned into alley to see a soaked baby hedgehog shivering and crying. Out of natural instinct he ran over to the cub and picked it up. More thunder could be heard and the cub's crying grew louder. "Looks, like your all alone out here. And I can't just leave you." Brett then turned and began to walk towards the street. "I guess i'll have to take you home."

It took about 30 minutes but Brett finally arrived at his house. The cub's crying did not ease. "What is that noise brett?" A pink hedgehog like light blue eyes, named Maria said. "Look what I found." He said showing her the shivering shivering baby hedgehog. "You brought home a baby! Are you nuts!" She yelled causing the cubs crying to grow even louder. "Calm down Maria, your scaring him, I'll explain all this later but first help me warm him up." Maria sighed and went into the bathroom and started a warm bath. Brett went to put him in but the cub clung tightly to his chest. "There there little guy, it's ok, this will warm you up." He said calmly. The cubs crying eased a bit and his death grip loosened. Brett managed to get him into the warm water.

Maria then entered the room with some baby clothes and towel. Brett did his best to clean the cub and wrapped him in a towel. The cubs crying turned into faint quiet little whines. Brett dried him off and dresses him and moved him into the couch. Brett sat with cub on his lap and a upset Maria looking at him. The cub was sucking his thumb but holding tightly onto him. "Care to explain why you randomly brought home a baby?" She said. Brett sighed but nodded reluctantly. "So I was walking home, and I hear this crying so I checked it out and I found this cub, it was storming out and he was all alone. So knowing I couldn't leave him there decided to bring him home." She nodded. "So that explains why he is holding onto you so tightly, you rescued him." Brett nodded. "Look we don't have to keep him, but we need to at least make sure he is ok before giving him up."

Maria nodded in agreement. "Alright, well then, we need some supplies if we are going to keep the little fella around for a bit." Brett said. "So I'll go get some stuff." Maria said. "Are you sure you don't want me too do it?" Brett asked. Maria nodded, "You need to get him situated, and he feels more comfortable with you." Brett nods. "It'll be quick, we already have some old baby stuff your brother left when he visited us. It'll be quick." She said and walked out the door.

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