"No!" I kicked my legs as I screamed, the lights flickering.

I got out of his grip and moved my neck to the side, shoving him into the wall.

"Blow it up!" My dad yelled. I looked around and I saw guns go up. Even my dad had one.

Gunfire was shot, and none hit me.

I could block them.

"Damn it, Aria!" Dad yelled, grabbing me by the throat and slamming me against the wall. I screeched and his fist came into contact with my left cheek 3 times.

I kicked him backwards. He got up and tried to get me to go back into the building my pushing me.

He stood in front of the line of his men.

"I'm sorry." I muttered and stared at him. He looked at me in pure terror.

His body flew backwards and into the line of men.

I saw 6 Grenades fly through the air. I had to act fast. I quickly ran. The men getting sucked into the building.

I ran outside of the facility. I ran far enough and then I heard the explosion. I jumped onto the ground, but I landed in rocks and gravel, scraping up my legs and arms. I look behind me. The entire building started to fall down. Luckily we were in the middle of nowhere. There was no way anyone survived that.

I breathed heavily. I never did this before because I was told I couldn't because I was weak. That whatever power I had wasn't strong enough.

But that was fairly easy for me.

The building collapsed and debris and dirt flew through the air.

I got up slowly, looking down at my now cut legs. They were bleeding a little and I now had dirt all over me.

I wasn't phased by everyone dying whatsoever. None of them cared for me.

I just turned around and ran for the gate. When it came into view, I tried to unlock it with my hands but I couldn't. I backed up and looked at the gate. I tightened my jaw and the gate blew off.

I was in the middle of the woods. I didn't know where to go. I didn't know where to go. I didn't know how any of the real world worked.

I just made my way into the woods. All that I could hear was the sound of dry leaves crunch under my shoes.

I then looked down. I was only in a peach sweater, shorts and black and white shoes.

I didn't know where to go. It was almost dark. There was no turning back now.

I heard birds chirping. I took the time to admire the scenery around me. It was beautiful out here.

The air was so fresh.

I was walking in a straight line for maybe 2 hours. It got dark but I could see some light through the trees.

I walked a little faster. I then found a fence. Outside of the fence was a sidewalk and a main road. People. Cars.

Actual people.

That was of course in front of this alley, though.

I climbed the fence and hopped over to the other side.

I landed in the alley and then I heard tires screech. I jumped and looked to my left. There was a car.

The door to the car opened and a boy stepped out.

"Okay you came out of nowhere and if I hit you that wouldn't have been my fauly." His eyes were closed but when he opened them, they looked surprised.

"Oh... are you okay?" He noticed the bleeding, dirt, and the bruise on my cheek.

I was having contact with another human being that doesn't know I'm different.

"Um... yeah... I just fell back in the woods." He looked to be about my age. My eyes scanned him. He had long chocolate brown hair that swooped just right over his bring blue eyes.

He had a slim figure and was a few inches taller than I was.

"Do you know how to get home from here?" He asked.

"I don't have one... the other day it um.. caught fire. The only family I had left didn't survive so I guess I'm just roaming." I tried to lie the best I could.

"Those cuts will get infected if you don't clean them..." he took a long sigh.

"Get in the car and I'll help you. You can stay at my place tonight." Why did he trust me so easily?

"Are you sure? I don't want to make you uncomfortable." I crossed my arms in slight discomfort.

"I'll be okay. Come on, let's get you cleaned up." He motioned to the car.

I thought for a second. I had nowhere else to go.

I just went up to the car and opened the door. I sat got in, as well as the boy.

"Put your seatbelt on." He pointed to the seatbelt. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at it. Whenever I went in cars they never made me wear that.

I just pulled it on and looked down. It goes into the thing. I just figured out how to do it and strapped myself in.

"I live alone so it's all okay. You can stay in the guest bedroom." He started to drive.

"Why do you live alone?" I looked at him.

"I moved out recently. I'm only 17 but I got permission. My family and I don't get along whatsoever. Parents suck." He let out a breath.

"I know." I nodded, agreeing with him.

"This'll be an interesting night."

Honestly had no one does make them meet.

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