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Sebastian had difficulty arguing with that. He actually admired her tenacity which was mostly in the house and around him, most of the time. She knew what she wanted, she was vocal and rambunctious - everything he wanted in a girlfriend. She was probably right anyway, Chloe didn't really knock him out with anything but her looks. And even then, the girl standing right in front of him was far more attractive. He was pretty sure he'd be able to find someone that was right for him; Chloe was simply right for right now.

"Hey Ash," he said to her. She wanted to be mad at him but she loved it when he called her that. "I'm really sorry about the cheerleading thing. Chloe kinda put two and two together and I told her you'd probably try out."

"Two and two huh? Did Chloe finally pass remedial math last semester?" Ashlie quipped, narrowing her eyes after she'd said it.

Even though he could see her glare, Sebastian knew she wouldn't really stay mad at him. She only had a few hours each week, if that, to see him. He'd come home on Friday and stay the night before his Saturday game. They lived close enough to campus that he would be off before she awoke the next day and went to see him play. Chloe was a part of the weekly routine too, but Sebastian always got rid of her before it even got dark.

She always wondered how he managed to do it. Ashlie felt like girls were pretty dramatic when it came to quickies like Chloe seemed to come over for. One weekend she'd heard the stupid blonde say something like, "...if it helps you play better then I don't mind!" She hadn't made much of it then; Ashlie was simply glad to hear Chloe saying it on her way out.

"Yeah yeah, I forgive you," Ashlie said, walking towards him and stopping when she smacked the almost empty water bottle against his chest and held her hand there, "I'll be picking the movie tonight."

Sebastian rolled his head back and smiled, glad that everything was cool between him and her. Maybe he'd even convince her to give him a back massage later if he played the "It'll really help me play well tomorrow" card.

Things went as they usually did that night. Ashlie even agreed to massage Sebastian shoulder for a bit, even though she made sure to get a dig in about how he wasn't even a starter. Sebastian had fought hard with his coach for his nights at home. Sure, getting to see his girlfriend when most other guys were forbidden was a big plus. But he really loved seeing her, and was so glad she always freed up her Friday nights for him before the game.

They just got along so well. Close in age as they were, Sebastian and Ashlie had a lot of common interests. Football and video games, music and crappy TV, they typically had a blast every Friday and Sebastian went to bed once again happy to spend time with her. Their parents always did date night on Friday, so they'd only be home shortly before he went to bed.

Sometimes Sebastian felt guilty, but more and more he was seeing her in a... different light. She'd grown up fast. Not only was she more mature, but her body was too. He was often confused by how much he enjoyed having her around. He tried to reason that being near to a pretty, youthful girl like her was always going to be desirable. She just happened to also be like a sister to him, and as long as he kept his hands to himself everything would be fine.

Typically that's the way things worked out. Yet, Ashlie felt just as comfortable as her Sebastian did around her. So as she sat there massaging his naked shoulder, and seeing how huge and muscular he'd gotten since starting college, Ashlie had some of the same issues Sebastian did. She too loved being around him, and not just because of how much he made her laugh or how she could talk to him about anything. She loved massaging his back because it was the closest she'd really gotten to an attractive guy, and this one didn't try to touch her ass or her boobs whenever he got the chance.

She was only wearing a crop top and her favorite sweatpants that she rolled and wore low at the waist when she remembered he had made a comment about dressing inappropriately around him. Ashlie had brushed it off... and then worn seemingly less every time he was over after that. Hey, she thought, if he could get off while their parents were out and then get a massage out of her, she could at the very least feel sexy and totally comfortable at the same time. His stare didn't bother her one bit.

The next day was incredible. Sebastian was a substitute, so he'd begun the game uniformed but sitting on the bench. Things weren't going well for the starter. His team fumbled in the first quarter. The offense struggled and only got one goal out of four or five possessions in a row as the first half was nearing its end. When on of the players on his team threw the ball and missed, the whistles sounded the end of the half, Ashlie was buzzing in her seat that he might get his chance.

He'd played before, but nothing more than a quarter or a few minutes here and there. They went into the locker room and his mom touched her on the shoulder.

"Wouldn't it be so great if your brother started the second half?" She said, looking excited.

Mrs Otei Sebastian mom had always thought of her as her daughter and so did all those around her.

His dad seated at the right raised his eyebrows and said, "I know what I'd do if I was the coach... he just might."

"You think he's ready?" Ashlie's mom asked her father.

A passing memory took Ashlie as Sebastian's parents chatted about her Sebastian's workout routine. Chloe had said something that other day when she'd overheard them. "...gotta make sure you're ready," she'd said, or something like that. Why was she remembering that now?

Sure enough, as halftime ended Sebastian ran out to the field with his stick and his helmet on. He was going to play.

He looked shaky as his team got in line. This time, seeing him on the field felt a little different. They were coming from behind and Sebastian as always wasn't just a quick substitution; he was meant to be the solution.

Sebastian played with great speed an agility, springing and twisting and also maintaining  his  balance ad grip on the ball.

Ashlie held her breath the whole time.

'Pass it Sebastian...!' she screamed inwardly.


He didn’t, he ran all the way,  flipping through the attackers, every time putting his team mates, fans and Ashlie on hold. Then he flanged his stick toward the post.

It was a beautiful throw - a bullet right across the middle and through the gasp of the keeper and into the net. The whole crowd cheered; Ashlie and his parents were locking arms and jumping up and down. He'd done it, she was so proud.

After that, Sebastian was everything he needed to be. They didn't do anything too crazy, and he was obviously playing pretty safe, but in no time they were near the end time and Ashlie was clenching her mom's arm tight until he made a perfect lunch, everyone’s eye followed the ball all the way into the net yet again.

Ashlie felt like she knew exactly why girls were so drawn to quarterbacks in that moment. Here she was screaming like a complete fool and jumping up and down in her team sweatshirt, yelling his name and practically in tears. Damn does he look good in that uniform, Ashlie thought as he trotted off the field to let the kicking team on.

The rest of the game was a haze. So excited to see Sebastian finally playing as she was, Ashlie almost couldn't handle it that he was leading them to a win. When the final second ticked off the clock and it was Sebastian holding his stick and ball, she giggled outright as he held the ball to her, she could see his signature on it an knew he was waiting to hand it to her.

The team all rallied and celebrated on the field and her family was allowed to walk-on while the rest of the crowd shuffled out of the stadium. Sebastian hugged his mom and dad and then picked Ashlie up and spun her around in a circle. Ashlie could feel the sweat on his pads and the heat radiating from him until he set her down with a huge smile.

"I think it was all because of the shoulder massage Ash," he said, "this ball's for you."

Ashlie collected the small ball with a sense of pride.

"You were so awesome Sebastian," Ashlie praised.

" o yeah!" He said, bending down to grab her waist and picking her up again, slinging her over his shoulder like it was nothing. Ashlie screamed and kicked but he didn't set her down until he'd made her sufficiently dizzy. His parents looked on and laughed the whole time thinking how great the had come to bond together.

Ashlie saw Sebastian’s girlfriend looking at them from afar, clearly displeased that she wasn't getting all the attention. It gave Ashlie an odd sense of satisfaction, even if their relationships with him where quite different.

"You better go do the same thing to Chloe," Ashlie whispered when he put her down, "she looks jealous."

Sebastian sighed knowingly and gave her a hasty, final hug. Saying goodbye to his parents and Ashlie, Sebastian ambled over to talk to his cheerleader-girlfriend. Ashlie couldn't help but notice him looking in her direction over Chloe's shoulder as she was leaving.


After that, things kind of blew up. People went on and on about how poised he was in the game despite having very little experience. The next week he started in the away game and they won. It was a close game, and Sebastian made some mistakes, but watching him on television she couldn't help but see all of the strengths that people had been touting in the write-ups of his first big performance.

Ashlie congratulated him via text and he quickly responded that he was looking forward to a Friday at home the next week.

-I bet you would have made that pass at the end of the first half if you had a shoulder massage!-

[I bet you're right. Do you think I'm a big loser for wanting to hang out with you on a Friday night?]

Ashlie felt herself blush, even though she was alone in her room with the lights off.

-Are you kidding, a loser? Did you SEE the game I just did?-

-Oh that's right... you were that stud Lacrosse player who WON it!-

[Thanks Em, I can't wait to see you next week.]

God did he love her, genuinely loved her, Sebastian thought. He was in a cab on the way out to celebrate the victory that night, and all he could think about was how great it would be to talk through all the plays the way he had on the phone with Ashlie after his first game. Inevitably there would be a thousand girls throwing themselves at him that night, but Sebastian felt sure none of them could match his little sis. Maybe he was wrong, but first and foremost they were hungry to sleep with a football player, and most of them wouldn't even be as attractive as Ashlie. If only she wanted that too, then he'd really have the whole package. 'Ugh,' he shook off, it was probably the booze talking.

Ashlie wished they'd seen his potential from the very start. Sebastian started and won most of the  game for the rest of the season, which was already more than half over when he'd first come out onto the field for that fateful second half. Because they had enough losses before that, there wasn't much left to make of their season when Sebastian stepped in, but there was a lot of talk about the season to come.

And each week, each home game at least, Ashlie and Sebastian hung out just the two of them for as much time as they could. She couldn't stand that he insisted on Chloe coming over, hearing them in his bedroom after she got home from school, but glad to see her leave shortly after. Sebastian had actually insisted that his parents give him time to himself (with Ashlie...and Chloe) and they'd obliged given his success on the field.

Their time together was usually the same, a movie and a lot of talking about what was going on in their lives. But for Ashlie, her feelings were slowly evolving. She couldn't help it. Everybody was talking about him, her parents were so proud, girls at school went on and on about how hot he was. Being that he was lacrosse. Player of the state college team, the exposure meant constant reminders of him everywhere Ashlie went.

So her attitude toward him was changing little by little whether she knew it or not. She'd often lay on top of him for a long time after kneading his back, just enjoying the deep bass in his voice that vibrated her chest as they bantered. Ashlie began to crave that time with Sebastian, cuddling seemingly closer every week when they watched a movie. She simply wanted to be with him.

And Sebastian was no dummy. Despite being a big, burly lacrosse player, he was actually quite smart, or so he told himself. It wasn't as if didn't notice that his Ashlie  was not so resistant to touch his back anymore or that she was wearing seemingly less and less every time she came downstairs for their movie. Yet, it still felt... natural. A lot of girls were throwing themselves at Sebastian nowadays, but Ashlie had earned his attention rather than exploited it, and he liked giving it to her and wasn’t going to exploit her either.

There was this one day he'd almost called her out for it. She might as well have been naked... well not quite, but perhaps the fact that he'd never seen her naked and this was as close as he'd get was why he kept his mouth shut.

The underwear was enough to make him shiver: an brownish pair of panties, simple but tight at each curve and the gap between her thighs. They had a white edge that he followed with his eyes as it wrapped around her tiny waist and those damned legs of hers. But then the shirt, or was it a sheet? It was this draped white thing with a big curved neck that exposed her almost from shoulder to shoulder. The tiny sleeves were all that held it up. And of course it didn't reach more than half-way down her upper half. Her entire midsection, perhaps one of his favorite parts of her, was completely left to his view.

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