"And now you're cursed. Why doesn't that surprise me?" Emma sighed.

"Regina didn't do this." Rosalina shook her head.

"She seems as clueless as the rest of us. I'm not quite sure she was involved in this." Snow agreed with Rosalina.

"So she says," Emma said.

"I don't understand. If you left The Enchanted Forest before the curse, how did you know to find Emma and come to Storybrooke?" David turned to Hook.

"As I was sailing the realms a bird landed on my ship's wheel with a note instructing me to retrieve Emma and bring her back here. There was a small vial of memory potion tied to its leg." Hook explained.

"Who sent it?" Snow asked.

"I assumed you did." Hook looked at her.

"A message via bird has Snow White written all over it," Toby added.

There's a knock on the door. Leroy and Happy entered the room.

"What is it?" David asked.

"We lost another one. We're five now."  Leroy was not in a good mood.

"Four, actually. Bashful's not answering." Happy took a look at his phone.

"Wait What is going on?" Emma asked confused.

"Thank God you're back, sister." Leroy looked at her.

"It's not just our memories that are missing. Ever since we woke up, people have begun disappearing." Snow informed.

"Whoever cursed us is picking us off, one by one," Leroy added.

"Who's exactly missing?" Emma asked.

"Aside from the dwarves, we're not sure. There's been a lot of confusion
It's been hard to keep track of everyone." David told her.

"Wait. Neal. Is he here?" Emma asked.

There was a moment of silence.

"Well, we haven't found him yet." Snow told her.

"So he might have been taken, too." Emma sighed.

"Smart money is on yes." Leroy nodded.

"Leroy!" Snow scolded.

"He'll turn up, Swan. He always does."  Hook told her.

"Ok, why wasn't I told any of this?"  Rosalina asked confused.

"I texted Toby. Figured he would have told you." David told her.

Rosalina turned to Toby.

"I figured you had a lot on your plate right now." Toby gestured to the electrocuting bracelet.

Rosalina sighed but nodded.

"Some folks have set up camp in the woods at the edge of town. Neal might be there." David turned to Emma.

"Or he may not have got swept up in the curse at all." Snow told her.

"There's only one way we gonna figure all this out. We have to get your memories back." Emma told them.

"How are we going to do that?" Snow asked.

"By figuring out who took them in the first place. My money's on Regina right now." Emma stood up.

"Regina didn't do this," Rosalina argued.

"How can you be so sure?" Emma asked.

"Because of this." Rosalina showed her bracelet.

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