England x reader (Tickle war)

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"Let's just call it a day," Ludwig announced, calming everyone down. "We're not getting anywhere and all we seem to be doing is argue so, let's come back tomorrow and actually get somewhere."

Everyone in the room nodded, you included. You had gone to every meeting so far this week and there had been so many of them, it made you sick. It was Thursday and you have been going to meetings all this week, and all of last. It wasn't fun, especially since you really did nothing. You had to be there though, for you didn't want to be yelled and scolded at.

"YES," Alfred jumped up, everyone's eyes landing on him. You giggled softly, rolling your (e/c) eyes at the American. "I CAN GET MY MCDONALD'S."

"And you could shut up," Arthur instructed, standing up from his chair. Your eyes adverted over to the Brit, your cheeks heating up in the process.

"Aw, but Iggy! I really, like, really , want some McDonald's," Alfred whined, stomping his foot on the ground like a small child.

"Let's just go home before another argument breaks out," Ludwig instructed, everyone nodding and standing up from their chairs.

You kept your eyes on Arthur, not getting up from your chair quite yet. You would admit it, you were head over heels in love with the Brit. Some people might call you crazy, but you wouldn't care.

His eyes were beautiful, they were the perfect shade of green. You just loved them, and you got lost in them anytime you glanced at them. He was just so handsome, you were head over heels in love with him.

Finally, you took your eyes off the Brit, standing up from your chair. Little did you know that he disappeared, being the first one to leave the meeting.

"Hey ____!" you heard Alfred exclaim. You looked up, a wide smile on your face.

"Hey Al! What's up?" you asked him once he was standing right in front of you.

"Nothing really, I'm going to go get McDonald's!" he exclaimed, making you giggle.

Alfred was your best friend, and he always would be. He would always take you to get McDonald's or to see his new movie that was just released for theaters. The horror movies you refused to go see but, sometimes, with his puppy dog eyes, you would agree and go see it. It took a lot for you to be convinced, and normally, the two of you would scream your heads off. At the end, you were found in Alfred's lap and his head was buried into the crook of your shoulder.

Though, you didn't like Alfred romantically and he didn't like you, the two of you seemed to be a couple to everyone else. It bewildered both you and Alfred but you let it go, as long as Alfred knew you liked Arthur and you knew he didn't like you, the two of you were good.

"Sounds fun!" you exclaimed.

He nodded, looking behind you at the door. "Hey, I saw Iggy leave in a rush," he started, gaining your full and undivided attention.

"Really?" you asked, looking behind you to see the Englishman was gone, nowhere in sight.

"Yeah, he seems to be a bit...down," Alfred noted, making your eyebrows raise. It was weird that Alfred had seemed to notice this, it shocked you really.

You turned back around to look at him with a confused expression. "You know what I think will make him feel better?" Alfred asked, giving you a wicked smile.

"I don't like that smile..." you trailed off, taking a step back.

"Aw, come on ___!!" Alfred exclaimed, throwing an arm over your shoulder. "It's not that bad!"

"How?" you asked, looking up at the American.

"I think you should go to Iggy's house is all~!" Alfred exclaimed, making your cheeks go ablaze.

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