"Argh, I hate reasonable people!" She hit her head on the table with a loud thud. All eyes in the establishment turned to the source of the sound, but she didn't care about them or the red mark she probably would get.

"Hey! What are you gays talking about?" A cheerful voice reached the blonde's ears and she wiped her head right up. There she was, hoping happily to their booth with a radiant grin gracing her features. JungEun couldn't be gladder to see the only friend who fully supported and endorsed her actions.

"Yerim! We're discussing attempt #387!" The girl plopped down at JungEun's side immediately.

"Oooh, let me help! Let me help!" She took the notebook from the blonde's hands without even ask and skimmed through it with laser focus, nodding her head while doing it. JungEun laughed.

"Be my guest, I'll meet JiWoo because some of us actually succeeded at having a girlfriend." The older pronounced, gathering her things and raising from her side of the booth.

"Ouch. That one hurt..." She placed a hand over her heart, pouting. Yerim gasped in horror. SooYoung had the audacity to laugh at their faces. "Need I remind you that I would have a girlfriend by now if Chuu's idea hadn't failed miserably!" She would never forget how the girl had chimed in and said that stalking was and she quotes 'a good way to make somebody notice you! People always know when they're being followed around!'. Needless to say, all of her friends just stared at her with horrified expressions and SooYoung had hugged the crying auburn haired reassuring her that she wasn't crazy.

"It worked for us! You can't blame her!" She pointed out. JungEun rolled her eyes and snorted.

"It worked because you two are weirdos."

"You're one to talk. Anyway, enjoy your chase." She winked and then left.

"Can you believe this bitch!?" JungEun murmured under her breath.

"Language! Don't say stuff like that in front of the baby!" Yerim exclaimed, bumping their shoulders.

"What baby?" She actually looked around the shop in search of an infant, but couldn't find one in the vicinity. Yerim snickered and JungEun only got even more confused.

"Me." The brunette replied sweetly, a smile bigger than her face. The blonde would die before admitting she melted at the sight. Who the hell put sugar on her coffee!?

"Ok, baby... Tell me, what do you have in mind?"

"Glad you asked, unnie! So..." The girl whipped her hair dramatically, fully facing the older. JungEun braced herself for what was coming from Yerim's mouth next.


The first time it happened, HaSeul didn't give it too much of a thought. She was running late to class, not aware of her surroundings (as per usual) when a body crashed into her. It was all very fast and the unknown girl apologized profusely before, quite literally, running away. HaSeul could only catch a glimpse of gold hair before she disappeared in a corner. She shook it off as an accident and watched her lecture as if nothing had transpired.

Attempt #387Where stories live. Discover now