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Honestly......this is something that broke my heart in two...

So awhile ago I met this guy I thought was absolutely wonderful in every way!!!!

We talked ALLLLLL the time he was like soooooooo cool .

But I have only known him for like three four days. Anyways.....he asked me to be his girlfriend......I said no I hardly know him. I just want to know to know you more.....oh and btw this guy is like 17 . And ohhhh boy when I said no ......



Said some not very nice things.......jeez he like flipped he potato chips and called me soooooooo many mean names...... like it made me cry...

I ended up blocking him....just I wanted to take a moment and address if someone is bullying you or if someone is hurting your feelings it's better to take your self outta the situation rather than stay.

It's no going to make you weak. But you don't need to let someone who you barely know hurt your feelings and make you cry.

That's just wrong.

Anyways kiss kiss-Twinkle!!

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