chapter 3 - School Hard

Start from the beginning

Collin looked at him curiously. "Who are you?"

"Spike," Spike answered. "You're that Anointed guy. I read about you." He growled at Vampire 2. "You've got witches, gypsy, hunter, Slayer and Guardians problems. That's a bad piece of luck. Do you know what I find works real good with those types of problems? Killing them."

"Can you?" Collin asked.

Spike smirked. "A lot faster than Nancy boy there. Yeah, I did a couple Slayers in my time. Never was able to kill a Guardian, though. I once even broke down Wyatt Pratt, the immortal witch that has been giving you a lot of trouble lately by killing the girl he loved, nearly turned him evil. I don't like to brag." He couldn't keep a straight face. "Who am I kidding? I love to brag. There was this one Slayer during the Boxer Rebellion, and..." He sensed someone behind him, turning his head to look as he morphed into his human guise. "Drusilla." He walked toward her. "You shouldn't be walking around. You're weak."

"Look at all the people," Drusilla told him. "Are these nice people?"

Spike chuckled. "We're getting along."

Drusilla looked at Collin. "This one has power. I could feel it from the outside."

"Yeah, he's the big noise in these parts," Spike told her. "Anointed and all that."

"Do you like daisies, hmm?" Drusilla asked. "I plant them, but they always die. Everything I put in the ground withers and dies." She looked up, off into space. "Spike, I'm cold."

Spike put his jacket around her. "I've got you."

Drusilla smiled. "I'm a princess."

"That's what you are," Spike told her. Drusilla pricked Spike on the cheek with her fingernail, allowing a bead of blood to flow out, reaching up to lick it off. They moved close to kiss, but didn't, instead turning their heads to look at Collin. "Me and Dru, we're moving in." They separated. "Now, any of you want to test who's got the biggest wrinklies around here, step on up. I'll do your problems for you. But you keep your flunkies from trying anything behind my back. Deal?"

Collin nodded.

Drusilla bowed her head down, putting her hands to her temples. "I can't see them. The Slayer and Guardians. I can't see." She looked up. "It's dark where they are. Kill them. Kill them, Spike. Kill them for me?"

Spike smiled. "It's done, baby."

"Kill them for princess?" Drusilla asked.

"I'll chop them into messes," Spike told her.

"You are my sweet, my little Spike," Drusilla told him.

"How will you kill them?" Collin asked. "They have a lot of help."

"Well, that Wyatt Pratt has taught them most of what they know, hasn't he?" Spike asked, laughing in amusement. "Wyatt Pratt, immortal witch hero. He's arguably the strongest fighter they've got, magic wise. More capable, as he's had centuries to learn and grow stronger, but he holds back most of the time because he's worried about going dark side. You want to know how I'll make him go completely dark? By killing the girl he loves again, but this time it's ironically a Guardian he's in love with, I hear the rumor. So I'll just have to kill Brooke Summers first."

"How do you know so much about Wyatt Pratt?" Collin asked.

Drusilla and Spike smirked in amusement, chuckling.

Summers House - Living Room

Slayers and Guardians Book Two (Worlds Colliding Buffy the Vampire Slayer)Where stories live. Discover now