Comincia dall'inizio

"Sorry Lex, I love my fellow black brother and sisters as much as everybody else," Maesibegan, "But us getting manhandled and arrested isn't doing a damn thing."

"Besides, all they ever do is use the pictures of us getting arrested in the media and label us as being 'aggressive and ratchet'," Abu interjected with a roll of his eyes.

"True," Lexi agreed with a pout.

Before anyone could argue the bell dinged symbolling that it was 2 O'clock, which meant the ending of the ASU meeting.

Barbra huffed, "Alright, we'll be meeting Friday." With that, she grabbed her stuff and stomped towards the door.

Maesi quickly stuffed her sketchbook into her backpack before following Abu and Kingsley out of the library.

"Is it me or did she seem as if she was in a mood?" Kingsley asked a small frown adorning her face as she headed down the stairs behind Abu

"Mmm," Abu hummed as he looked back towards the girls, "Maybe she's in a mood cause you just checked her about her man."

"Ugh," Maesi grunted as she fixed her backpack on her shoulders, "She was in a mood before that. If you would've been there earlier you would've witnessed her almost knock the shit out of Lexi for a mistype on the handout. Speaking of which where were you?"

"Contemplating life choices," Kingsley sighed.

"What life choices?"

"The one where she chose to suck Chadwick's dick for that A in math," Abu laughed, "I can't believe you pulled that shit with Barbra."

"One, I didn't suck his dick," Kingsley rolled her eyes as she pushed the door of the Library's back exit open, "And two she needed a reality check."

"Yeah, but did you have to do it then?" Maesi asked

Kingsley stopped walking a bewildered looking of confusion crossing her face as her eyes danced between Abu and Maesi, "Did I? Did I? Yes, I did. That bitch is gonna get enough trying to come for me. She always acts like she big shit just because she's following in her brother's shoes of leading ASU. Yet she hasn't done shit!"

"True," Maesi nodded before the group continue walking, "But I mean there's really nothing she can do, or anyone can do for that matter. It could be 500 years from now and motherfuckers will still be walking around talking about hail the white supremacy."

"True," Abu mumbled digging his phone from his pocket and checking it, "Cyn's at Chick-fil-A. I swear that girl is made up of 70% chicken."

The group shared a laugh before making there way over to the Student Union.


The group now sat at a Chick-fil-A table, their conversation drifting from the racist arrest to Kingsley's pettiness at the ASU Meeting. Abu and Cyn were sharing a nugget meal, while Kingsley sat beside Maesi, on the other side, who was finishing her Barbra the Barbarian drawing.

"Kingsley Koe! I can't believe you did that!" Cyn exclaimed as she stole a fry from Abu, "I thought I raised you better than that."

"Aye, you come for me, I come for you," Kingsley laughed as she took a bite out of her burger, "And all I said was the truth! He did help me with math."

"Was that before or after you added his dick to your equation," Maesi laughed, erasing the mistake on her drawing.

Abu's phone dinged and the group stopped their laughter to cast their eyes upon the boy purposely ignoring his phone.

"Abu," Maesi sing-songed as she looked up from her sketchpad, "You can't ignore him forever, honey."

"He's aggravating," Abu whined, "Like I said maybe. Why is that not enough?"

"It is not his fault that your bisexual ass likes to play games," Cyn grumbled, slapping Abu lightly on his bicep, "Just tell him you don't feel like being gay this month."

The girls all busted out laughing as Abu's face when from aggravated to insulted, "Cyn that's not how that works."

"Are you sure? Cause I could've sworn last month it was Amber and the month before that it was Ian," Cyn counted on her fingers, "And now this month its Dorian-"

"Alright, I get it! I'm a hoe!" Abu claimed exasperatedly, "Excuse me for wanting to live my best life! Anyways can we get back to what we were talking about? You know before my hoeiness and Chadwick's dick."

"Mmm," Kingsley shook her head as she took a swig of her drink, "I got an idea. We've tried the peaceful change shit, right? What about a visual change?"

The three friends all shared a look of confusion before casting their eyes towards Kingsley, "Huh?"

"What if somebody pulled a Banksy?" Kingsley stated as her smile grew, "It would be perfect, it's something that everybody could see, It's hard to take down, AND no one but us will know who the culprit is."

"That sounds badass," Cyn stated shaking her head "but who's gonna be our Bansky?"

The group grew real quiet as they took notice of the coily-headed girl aggressively drawing in her notebook, trying to keep her eyes from meeting theirs.

"Maesi," Abu mocked, "You can't ignore us forever."


"What?" the group exclaimed collectively.

"No, look I'm already doing good being allowed to be an art major. If my mom finds out I'm illegally putting my art on shit she would literally kill me," Maesi explained, "You guys do remember that she is a lawyer right."

"Maesi she won't know though," Kingsley interjected, "And you're the only one of us artistically gifted."

"Yeah," Abu added, "and think about all the clout you will gain. By the time it's time for graduation you can tell everybody you're the UCLA Bansky and someone is bound to hire your ass on the spot."

"True!" Kinglsey and Cyn agreed.

Maesi's eyes shifted between her friends and the sketchpad that currently sat in front of her. She flipped through her sketchbook to the rushed and rough version of the kid being arrested . She couldn't help but to admit how dope it would be to see the polished and finished drawing spraypainted on the side of the Dean's hall. The responsible side of her knew it was a bad idea, but the rebel side of her knew it was a badass idea.

"Fine. I'll do it," Maesi smirked, "I'll be our Bansky."

Ignorant Boy | Edwin HonoretDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora