The Temperature of the Heart

Start from the beginning

"Get your teleport crystal ready." Kirito said and she pouted a little.

"I know," She got her crystal out.

"Also, I'm handling this part alone." He said and (Y/n) was shocked.


"Once the dragon appears, you and (U/n) hide behind one of those crystals over there. Don't come out, no matter what." He finished and (Y/n) glared a little at him.

"I can fight! Why do I have to hide?!" (Y/n) shouts.

"Oh, come on!" Liz complains.

(Y/n) walks toward him, "Kirito, you know damn well that I can take care of myself. I'm going to help you-"


Liz and (Y/n) gasped from Kirito raising his voice. They both stare at his eyes and knew he was going to keep saying no. (Y/n) sighed and scoffs, "Fine..."

He pats her head and smiles, "Good, let's get going." He walks away with Liz, leaving a blush on (Y/n)'s face.

The hell was that for!

Soon a roar caught their ears. "Hide yourselves!" Kirito yelled and (Y/n) grabbed Liz by the wrist and hid.

The dragon appeared and roared again. It had crystals around his body and was really huge. It was going to use it's attack.

Liz grabbed her weapon, "It's a breath attack! Watch out!"

As soon the dragon used his breath, Kirito deflected it with his sword. Liz looked at him with amazement. Kirito deflected all of its attacks and started his own.

Soon Liz walked out of their hiding spot, impatient. "Come on, finish him off already!"

"You idiot!" (Y/n) yelled and the dragon saw Liz. "Don't come out yet!"

She was confuse, "What's the big deal? It's over now-"

The dragon used his wings to attack with the wind, which caused an avalanche.(omg 😂) Liz gasped and tried to run, (Y/n) ran towards her. "Liz!" They were both covered with snow.

The avalanche took both girls to a deep hole. They started falling in and Liz kept screaming, (Y/n) notices she could get hurt. She tsked and covered Liz with her body. "Hang on!"

Kirito jumped trying to reach for (Y/n). "(U/n)!!"

She kept Liz covered but reached her hand to him as well. Then they both fell down to the dark abyss.


(Y/n)'s POV (Bet u didn't see this coming😏)

I opened my eyes, half lidded, and see snow. I notice I still have Liz in my arms but she's unconscious. Then I see Kirito unconscious as well. I checked my health and I'm still in the green zone, but Kirito is in the yellow.

"We're still alive?" He asked and I notice I'm laying on his chest.

I sit up with Liz still in my arms and scoff, "Looks like it."

He sits up too and takes out healing potions. "Drink one of these, just in case."

I hesitated but grabbed one. Soon Liz wakes up and he gave her one too. She takes a zip, "Um, thank you for saving me."

"It's too early to thank me. How are we gonna get out of here?" I look up to see how deep we are.

"Can't we just teleport out of here?" Liz asked, "Teleport: Lindas...No way." The teleport crystal didn't work.

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