Inside Mr Waterhouses penthouse

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Tom: welcome to my humble abode

Debbie: wow, I walk to the windows it overlooks the city skyline you can see for miles

Tom: that's the reason I bought this penthouse, for the view

Debbie: I turn around to face Tom, I can see why

Tom: it helps to clear my mind, when you have such a successful business and your minds always on work you need somewhere to de- stress

Debbie: I nod my head, sounds lonely

Tom: maybe it is, but it's my little get away from the world

Debbie: don't you have friends?, family?

Tom: I look at debbie, my mother and father are dead and I never have time for friends I always focus my time on the business

Debbie: I'm sorry about your parents, how long has it been?

Tom: since I was young

Debbie: that must have been hard, I'm sorry

Tom: not your fault is it, I sit down on the sofa

Debbie: I sit down too, I'm sorry if you thought I was being nosey

Tom: I smile slightly, I don't I'm glad I told you

Debbie: your not as bad as I thought

Tom: that's good I'm glad you think so

Debbie: I sip my champagne, looking around the apartment

Tom: I have a confession to make about why I wanted to meet today

Debbie: I turn back to Tom

Tom: i have all the information I need about the investment I just wanted to meet you, I wanted to see your face and not just hear your name

Debbie: I look at Tom

Tom: of course I arranged this meeting for business, but I just wanted to meet you

Debbie: you wanted to meet me?

Tom: you intrigued me Debbie, I wanted to see what you looked like, what your personality was

Debbie: you sound like a stalker now

Tom: I smirk, I probably am

Debbie I should get going

Tom: please don't go

Debbie: I'm sorry but I really have to go

Tom: just one more drink please

Debbie: I look at Tom, one more drink and that's it

Tom: thank you, I walk over to the kitchen area I pull out the best champagne and pour it into 2 wine glasses

Debbie: I stand looking out at the view, watching all the cars goes by as everyone gets on with their day

Tom: I walk behind Debbie, your drink Ms Dingle

Debbie: I take the drink out of his hand, and quickly turn away

Tom: can you not look at me or something?

Debbie: course I can

Tom: look I know I'm irresistible Ok

Debbie: wow you really are full of yourself aren't you

Tom: well when you look this good

Debbie: why'd you really invite me up here?

Tom: wanted to get you know better, nobody forced you to come up here did they?

Debbie: that's really irritating

Tom: what is?

Debbie: you asking questions with questions

Tom: I'm not who you think I am Debbie

Debbie: and who do I think you are?

Tom: arrogant, wannabe

Debbie: warm

Tom: stuck up, jumped up

Debbie: Warmer

Tom: a man who likes to play people, just for the hell of it

Debbie: hot, see I thought we weren't getting somewhere before you actually started opening up

Tom: and I thought you were different....

Debbie: why?: what did you think I was

Tom: mouthy, a little bit low rent when actually your smart and classy and you know what you want

Debbie: and what do I want?

Tom: I step forward and lean in to kiss her lips, it's a soft passionate kiss I wrap my arms around her waist holding her close to me

Debbie: I pull my lips away from his and lean my forehead on his, I'm sorry but I can't do this

Tom: I look into her eyes

Debbie: I pull away from Tom, grab my things and run out the door I finally reach the lobby area it's absolutely chucking it down but I don't care I sink to the floor sobbing, I don't know why?, but it just overwhelms me

Tom: I stand looking down from the penthouse window, my lips tingling from that kiss but I know it can't mean anything all I want is revenge, that's what this is about I can't let my father down I have to avenge my fathers death, I see Debbie sank down by the wall crying I want to go out their bring her into my Arms and let her cry into me, but I don't instead I let my cold heart take over and all I think about is revenge and how the dingles will pay for my fathers death

Thank you so much for reading, I may even update again tonight I'm loving writing this!!

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