chapter 1 - When They Were Bad

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Zoey took off the gypsy necklace that blocked her power, which started to glow purple, as did power from her hands as she shot it into the vampire, levitating him up in the air, smiling at the feeling.

Everyone looked at each other in surprise.

Buffy looked at their friends, smiling. "Hey, guys."

Zoey used her gypsy power to throw the vampire onto a branch on a tree, impaling him through his back into his heart, killing him, making him burst into ashes.

Zoey smirked. "Miss us?"

∞ Slayers and Guardians ∞


Picking up where everything left off, the Scoobies all hugged after being reunited, talking over each other, saying each other's names.

"Hey, guys," Brady told them.

"Man, your timing really doesn't suck," Eric told them. "Zoey, you got so much stronger and badass."

Zoey smiled. "Yeah, what a summer training with your gypsy family will do for your powers."

"When'd you guys get back?" Carmen asked.

"Uh, just now," Alice answered. "My father and I were at the library, where I met up with Buffy, Brooke, Brady and Zoey."

"And we figured you losers would be getting into some kind of trouble," Brooke told them.

"I think we had the upper hand," Carmen told them.

"Yeah, Carmen was a badass, too," Eric told them.

"And I saw that punch you landed, Eric," Buffy told him. "Very badass yourself." Eric smiled. "Xander, Willow, what about you two? Do either of you even have a cross? Very sloppy."

"Well, according to Wyatt, it's been a slow summer," Brooke told them. "I mean, that's the first vampire you've seen since we killed the Master, right?"

"Yeah," Eric answered.

"It's like they knew we were coming back," Brady told them.

They started to walk.

"So, what about you guys?" Xander asked. "How was your summer?"

"Did you slay anything?" Carmen asked.

"Yeah," Brady answered. "Uh, Brooke and Buffy were still training me while we were away. We got to kill more than our fair share. Lot of experience now."

"Well, Alice, even if you haven't been hunting but with the Council over the summer, you haven't lost your touch," Zoey told her. "That vampire..."

"We all did kinda whale on him, didn't we?" Alice asked.

Eric noticed Buffy's new hair cut. "I like your hair."

Buffy giggled, smiling.

"So, how did you guys fare?" Zoey asked. "Did you have any fun without us?"

Eric, Carmen and Xander said, "No," the same time Willow said, "Yes."

"Uh, our summer was kinda yawnworthy," Carmen told them. "Our biggest excitement was burying the Master."

They stopped walking.

"That's right, you missed it," Willow told them, pointing toward a tree in the cemetery. "Right out by that tree." They followed their gazes. "Wyatt buried the bones and we poured holy water and we got to wear robes."

Slayers and Guardians Book Two (Worlds Colliding Buffy the Vampire Slayer)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن