48. On the Run

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“I can’t be a mother,” she whimpered.

Hermione rubbed her arm soothingly. “You’ll be okay.”

“Everyone keeps saying that.”

“Because it’s true, Pansy. You’re so much more competent than you give yourself credit for.”

“Says the girl who used to joke about my intelligence.”

“You are smart,” she pressed. “Maybe you weren’t good in the areas I was in, but you’re smart with people. With life. You’ve taught me a lot, showed me that sometimes I have to let go and go with the flow.”

Pansy lifted her face, mascara somehow smudged up to her forehead now. “You mean that?”

“Yes. Now, come on. This isn’t you. You’re the cocky, arrogant one, remember?” 

She smiled a little, laid her head on Hermione’s shoulder again. “I guess.” 

“We’ll take this whole thing one step at a time,” she told her.

After forty minutes of sitting there, patting her and reminding her that it was going to be fine, Hermione heard Pansy’s even breathing. She’d fallen asleep.

She smiled to herself just as Draco approached. Upon seeing his best friend sleeping against Hermione’s side, he paused, but it was only briefly and then he was bending down to pick up his snoozing friend.

He placed her on the sofa with Hermione following closely behind laden with pillows and a blanket. Together they made Pansy as comfortable as possible. Once finished, Hermione and Draco stood back, her face so peaceful that Hermione could pretend today had never happened. And, as she stood there, it really dawned on Hermione exactly how much could change in an ordinary day.

One day was enough to define the rest of your life.


“I think Malfoy should come to the wedding.”

Hermione snorted. “Sure. While you’re at it lets invite Cho Chang.”

Ginny’s eyes narrowed slightly. “To be honest I think she’d flood the place with her tears.” Hermione raised her eyebrows and Ginny smiled. “No, but I’m serious. Mal – Draco should come.”

Hermione paused their movie and moved to face her. “What brought this on?”

“I don’t like him, lets just get that straight. But everyone else is allowed to bring someone of his or her choice and I know you’re too polite to pick him because you think it’ll upset us, but it wont. He’s going soon. Might as well be with him while you can.”

“I’m always with him.”

She sighed exasperatedly. “Look Hermione, bring him or not. I don’t care. I only wanted to let you know that you could.”

Hermione was going to tell Ginny she appreciated the offer, but she didn’t need to see Draco. They were separating soon, she might as well get used to it. She was really going say it. But when her mouth opened, something else came out.

“Thank you.”


“I hate wizards chess.”

“Then why did you suggest we play it?”

“Because I was in the mood for it.”

“And you’re not now?”

“I’m not now.”

“Too bad. We’re not stopping just because you don’t feel like it.” Draco’s tone was bleak and short and had Blaise glancing up at him with his mouth turned down.

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