Chapter 1

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Here I sit at a coffee shop, smiling and laughing, drinking green tea

"hi I'm Harry, by the way" he smiles and offers a hand to shake

"I'm Marina, nice to meet you" I say while shaking his hand

"you're very beautiful" he says, smiling and with the slightest tinge of red.

"oh wow thank you, that's so kind of you" I say, blushing bright red

"so uh, who was that?" he asks, nervously scratching the back of his neck "if I may ask, and why do you have bruises all over you?"

"oh uh, that's Joshua, my abusive boyfriend, we've been together for two years, I was just so afraid to leave him, because I tried once before and he nearly killed me, and that before was just another one of his abusive episodes" I say nervously, playing with my bottle blonder hair. I can't believe I'm being so open with him.

"that's horrible, no girl, let alone a beautiful one like you should be treated like that" he says, holding my hand on the table "come stay with me, okay?"

I gasp and look at him "no that's too much trouble, I'll stay at my parents or a hotel or something, it's fine" I smile, a little sadness in my eyes

"I promise, it would be a honor" he smiles at me "please?" he pleads

"okay, but can you please come with me to pick up my stuff" I say nervously, "he won't try anything if you're there"

"of course, I wouldn't let you even if you wanted too, so let's go" he stands up, putting $20 on the table,

"no please let me pay" I say grabbing money out of my purse,

"no babe, it's fine" he says, he has such a hot and husky voice, it makes me knees weak, he grabs the money out of my hand and puts it back in my purse with his free hand "now c'mon"

he kinda drags me alone behind him, it's a very short walk, about a block, we laugh and chat and tell each-other more about ourselves,

"well I'm marina, 17, year 11 at John Mores high school, I love singing and writing music and makeup, I kinda dress like a house wife" I laugh at the last bit.

"well I'm Harry. I'm 18, year 12 at your school funnily enough, I sing and skateboard and stuff, and I dressed really like weirdly I guess" he laughs at the last bit.

We get to the front door of mine and Joshua's house, I hesitantly knock and hear the faint sound of talking before Joshua opens the door

"Marina" he say, tapping the door frame, he's standing in the middle of the door way in just his boxers, i furrows my eyebrows then see a girl run up behind him, cuddling him, I gasp, she's in his shirt, being all cute, I see Joshua looks nervous

"who's this?" she asked, looking at Joshua confused

"Marina, let me explain" he says lightly grabbing my arm

"SO YOU WERE CHEATING ON ME? OH OKAY" I push him out of the way and see two bags sitting on the floor, I grab them and push past this chic and him

I hear her whisper "I thought you were single"

"well he wasn't, but now he is so have him" is sneer and walk out the door "well at least it means I don't have to break up with you anymore"

"well you deserved it anyway" he yells back.

"oh fuck yourself, let's go Harry" I say, holding back my tears "have fun with her you bastard"

Harry grabs my bags off me and grabs my arm, linking it with mine as we walk away

"Whore"I hear Joshua yell, I hope he gets herpes

"Marina I'm so so sorry" Harry says sadly,

"I just need to see Lana" I say as we walk

"here I call a taxi for you, I'll take your stuff to my house and get it in your spare room and stuff"

"thank you" I say hugging him tightly "I don't even know you and you're so so kind"

I pull back and he grabs out his phone, calling a taxi, I smile and keep my arm linked with his, resting my head on his shoulder

"it's coming now" he says, hanging up the phone smiling, resting his head on mine "I have one coming too as I left my car at home" he laughs

"thank you so much" I say again

"seriously it's a pleasure" he says, slipping a $20 bill in my free hand

"Harry I can pay myself" I say, trying to give him back the $20 note

"oh look taxi" he says ignoring me "you better hurry" he says, walking away before I can give him the money back

"Harry" I say, mockingly eyeing him "come here"

"bye love" he says, getting into the other taxi, blowing a kiss


"check your phone" he smiles and the taxi drives off

I open my phone to see Harry's contact in it. I laugh and get into the taxi, directing it to Lana's house, she'll be so excited to find out everything.

| hardly any people read this so idk if I'll keep it up, if you read this try and like it please try to get more people reading it. it would mean the world.

like! comment! and follow me for more stories! Chloe x |

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