Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Jackie come on" Jack yelled from the bottom of the stairs in the private residence.

Jackie appeared at the top of the stairs and chucked her shoe at him. "I HOPE YOU SUFFER IN HELL!"

Jack jumped aside to avoid the shoe hitting him. "I'll do that after we get on this plane. Come on's been eight days."

Jackie came down the stairs still glaring at her husband. "Eight days and you refuse to talk to me about it."

Jack hesitated. "I'll tell you anything you want to know on the plane."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

She considered and then nodded. "Fine."

Jack took her hand and led her out to where the car was waiting to take them to Air Force One.

The ride was quiet and when they arrived, Jackie spent longer then normal hugging her children. When she looked at Jack he felt something deep inside of him stir.

"Hug your children, Mr. President."

Jack knelt down and hugged Caroline and John tightly. "You'll be good and we'll see you in just two sleeps, ok?"

The two children nodded and watched as their parents boarded the flight together. The press didn't know this and most of the staff didn't either. But this was the first time in nearly two weeks that the children had seen their parents in the same room together.

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