When she looked in the mirror she realized that her face wasn't covered so she double checked the bag into to see a note with a choker under it. On the simple black choker was that same hourglass symbol.

Press the symbol for a surprise


She quickly put on the choker that tied in the back and pressed the symbol. A black mask then covered the bottom half of her face and ears. An armor of sorts then started to form over her tight fitting shirt.

"Oh my god this is so cool." She whispered, pressing the symbol on her gloves and freaking out slightly when the same tight armor went over her arms and connected to the one on her torso.

"I think I'm gonna pass out." Katherine said loudly as she barged into her room. Her suit was more fitting of her powers and consisted of what looked like a red dress which had a belt wrapped around her middle with a weird number six. She also had boots on except hers were higher up and more fancy. Two swords were attached to her boots, and a red mask covered her eyes.

"These are so cool." y/n replied, getting rid of the armor and deciding to test that out later in training.

"Why is yours so much easier to move in?" She whined, looking at the skirt and heeled boots in distaste.

"Because you're beauty and grace, and I punch people in the face." Y/n winked jokingly, the mask still covering her face. She laughed mockingly,

"Come on, we better go." Andrew walked in with a full body suit on that seemed tight but was really very comfortable. What looked like a chain link was printed on his arms and down to his fists. y/n assumed that his would do something along the lines that hers did when she saw that on the back of his hand it looked like the chain link had formed a circle around his fist. His mask was a grey color and covered his entire head, two black marks showing where his eyes were.

The two girls nodded after studying his suit for a moment and followed him back into the living room where Ricky was waiting. His eyes shined as he saw them with the suits on and the other two turned towards them while holding their own suits in their hands.

Natalie's had a similar color scheme as Andrews; considering their powers and genes. The top part of her body suit was grey and led into grey shards around her thighs with black legs and boots that simply reached her ankle and didn't cover up her design- the mask covered her face only and left her hair exposed unless she put her hood up.

Thomas' was blue and looked like a pair of what looked like combat pants, black boots, and a long sleeved navy shirt. There were gloves sitting next to him on the couch and what looked like a tool belt that held many weapons on the ground.

"Are you guys ready? The suits feel good?" Ricky asked them, snapping y/n out of her daze.

"It feels great, thank you Ricky. Now, Where's the distress call!" Katherine talked as she walked towards the door, her skirt moving along with the movement.

Andrew rushed back over from where he had hugged Natalie and kissed her head as they did before every solo mission the other went on.

"We were told it was by a sandwich shop in queens; Delmars." Ricky spoke as they walked through the halls and into the garage.

"Oh, I've been there. It's kind of near the school midtown. For the geniuses." Y/n spoke, walking behind Ricky towards their usual car that they used.

"Yes, that's one reason I chose you. Now if anything goes wrong, I want you to press the button on your communicators and you will be in instant contact with me. While they know you're on a mission, they don't know about your powers and they never will. The suits are a secret, you can only wear them outside of the home and keep them hidden in your rooms."

The three nodded nervously and Ricky shot them a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, you'll do great."


"It's been almost a half an hour, what's taking so long. If this was a real distress call the person in distress would be pretty dead right about now." Tony snapped from his place on the roof, an annoyed look on his face.

"They'll show. Something probably came up, but they'll show up." Steve tried to assure everyone. Right as the words left his mouth there was a sound from the entrance of the alley.

"Why would a distress call lead us to an alley? We've been looking around the building for twenty minutes and nothing." A female voice spoke and Tony deadpanned, glaring at Steve who was smirking slightly.

"Who knows. Maybe they already left." A male voice then spoke and Tony looked down only to see three teenagers, but they were all wearing suits that looked actually professional.

Tony looked across the alley to where the others were and furrowed his eyebrows as he made eye contact with Natasha who had a similar look.

They were definitely sure of their powers and working for someone now. How else would they have gotten suits that well made?

Clint was aiming his bow at the three, squinting his eyes behind the screen of his glasses. Clint was about to let go of the arrow when Tony saw the blonde move her head and then look up at the roof.

"Clint wai-" but it was to late. Clint had released the arrow and the rest of the team had looked up at the sky, not being able to see but the blonde could obviously tell something was wrong.

Her hand shot into the air and she caught something between her fingers only a few inches in front of the other girls shoulder. The boys mask squinted and the arrow was suddenly visible in her fingers.

"We were set up. This wasn't a distress call. This was a meeting." The girl dressed for combat spoke, her voice muffled behind the mask.

The team took this as a sign to come out and they all landed at the same time, Tony in the front.

"You stole my tech." He accused, recognizing the girl with h/c hair and pointing an accusing finger at her. Her eyes rolled and she grabbed her guns.

"Technically we took it back." She took the safety off of her guns and the other two backed her up, the girl taking her two swords and holding them in front of her defensively.

"Technically we took it first so it's ours." Sam Wilson spoke up, his wings expanding as he hovered above the others in the group.

"Technically I could easily shove my foot up your a-" the girl started but got cut off by Steve.

"Language!" Steve shouted, throwing his shield down the alley and straight towards the group.

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